Friday, April 29, 2011

There Was A Surprise

It was such an evening. Such a wonderful evening. There is a lot to tell but for now, right now, this is what I'm thinking about.

Lord, it's been hard to keep that surprise a secret.
But we did it.
Bless that boy's heart.
Vergil came to surprise Jessie.
And he did.


  1. I think we were all a little in love with him tonight. Just because he made our girl shine so.

  2. hearts and flowers and thumbs up~~
    how wonderful.

  3. awesome is that??

    Life is good...

  4. Hold on tight to that one...he's a keeper.
    Congrats to Miss Jessie.

  5. Aww.... I have to say that I wondered about him and where he was and why you didn't write about him!

  6. I am still so speechless. You all fooled me good, and I just can't even begin to believe it. It was the most perfect of nights.

  7. WhooHA!! BouiYA!! And DOO DA!

    You done great, I didn't see it coming either. But then I'm not in any loop that much these days.

    Great job Moons!

    Congrats lovely Jessie! You're life is going to be as sparkly as you are.
    xoxo m

  8. Oooh, a great surprise! The picture says it all. xxoo

  9. a lifetime memory for her. awesome/


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.