I got a call around 10:00 from this girl's mama. She was letting me know that Maggie had complained of sharp abdominal pains and that her dad had taken her to an Urgent Care clinic but they recommended taking her to an ER because they didn't have the necessary diagnostic equipment so Jason was taking her to the free-standing ER associated with one of the hospitals. The same one that took such good care of me when I had my abdominal troubles- both the kidney stone and the appendicitis. And when I say they took such good care of me, I mean that they gave me the good drugs and oh yeah, they did diagnose both of my problems.
But, Magnolia needed no good drugs. By the time she'd gotten to the ER, she was feeling pretty good as you can see in the picture above and they did some x-rays of her tummy area and found nothing except perhaps some constipation. They didn't want to do a CT scan due to probably unnecessary radiation exposure.
Anyway, when Lily called, she was still at work. She did not sound overly concerned. She was about to take off work though, to go and be with her girl. I told her I'd be on standby and then I texted Jason and asked if he thought I should come in and he asked Maggie who said that yes, she would like me to be there so of course old Mer drove to town to help amuse the child while they figured out what the best thing to do would be and then they discharged her. So it was a fine hour or so of hanging out with Lily and Jason and Magnolia June and after we got out of the place, we were all hungry and guess where Maggie wanted to go? Oh, you know- Chow Time. So we did.
And that was basically what I did today. By the time we'd finished lunch and I'd gone by Publix, it was after three thirty which seemed impossible and yet, that's what time it was.
Glen went fishing today on the Wacissa River which is his joy and delight. He just got home but has already left again to go pick up a deer head mount that had arrived at Moon Plaza.
If you don't know what a deer head mount is, don't worry about it. If you do- well, then you do. I know very little about it and am not even sure where the deer came from. You know me- I just stay out of that whole situation as much as I can except for cooking the meat he brings home.
And here it is Friday night and I have the martini glasses in the freezer with no husband to make me one and so I guess I'll just have to make my own. Must I do everything myself?
I forgot to mention yesterday when I showed the picture of the repaired table that Glen didn't just repair the bad leg on it, but actually made a new one using some of the dried cherry wood from a tree that had been cut down in our yard. He is very proud of this although he is not boasting about it because he's not that kind of guy. I'll boast for him though.
The camellias are opening again but you can see the freeze damage on them. Here's one that had TWO bees making love to it.
I'll figure out something. I always do.
God, that sounds lame. Not to mention trite. But I do mean it.