Tough titty, said the kitty, and we went anyway.
We did our routine. We got our edamame beans although to be truthful, I should say Gibson's edamame beans. He ate 90% of them.
Owen did indeed eat miso soup but he didn't want his salad.
Lily got sushi, I got the green curry bento box and almost died with the pleasure of it. The curried tofu and vegetables, the little shrimp cakes or whateverthehell they are, rice, sushi. Perfection. Then we went to Big Lots where we discovered that Santa had passed out
Owen found a five buck transformer toy that was SO BEAUTIFUL that he dissolved into pitiful tears when he had to leave it on the shelf and so I, being the completely stereotypical and cliched grandmother, bought it for him. Amazing how fast he went from crying real tears to raising his arm up in the air and shouting, "SCORE!"
Yeah, I'm a sucker. So what? He gave me about fifty kisses when I left their house. It was so worth it.
Lily's been turning into some domestic goddess that I barely recognize as my daughter. She's been doing cross-stitch that I can't even SEE the stitches in, they're so tiny, and she's cooking all sorts of amazing vegan meals and she made some awesome Halloween costumes. Gibson is going as Daryl Dixon whom I don't know shit about but she does. She took apart a Goodwill vest and made it into a D.D. vest and Jason made him a crossbow and I think it may all have something to do with The Walking Dead. Is that right? I'll post pictures if she sends them.
And she herself is going as Ursula.
Okay! Breaking news! Here are the pictures!
Wolverine at the preschool party.
Daryl Dixon as a bad-ass child.
Ursula! (Is she not gorgeous?)
Uh. Really scary dad.
All my kids are getting together tonight at Jessie and Vergil's to take the kids trick-or-treating and I should probably be there but I wanted to get home and plant my pansies which I did. This involved taking things out of pots and planting them in the actual ground and watering and snipping and so forth. I had a wonderful time doing all of that.
And then my across-the-street-neighbor and friend, Paul, called to tell me that three of my chickens were in his front yard. Say what? Those chickens have never once crossed the road and why should they? But cross the road they did and I have no idea why.
So I went over there and herded them back across the street and had to stop five o'clock traffic in Lloyd (which is more traffic than you might think) and they all made it safely. Miss Butterscotch, Miss Lucille and Miss Eggy Tina. I will be honest with you here- I felt like a celebrity. I mean, if I was driving somewhere and a crazed woman wearing overalls was herding chickens across the road it would make my day. I suppose I have to start closing the damn gate to the driveway now. What a pain in the ass. Just when you think there's one fucking thing you don't have to worry have to worry about it.
Anyway, they've all gone to roost now and I have a little piece of tuna marinating in Soy Vay Veri Veri Teriyaki sauce (highly recommended) and here's what my new lights look like:
And another costume picture.
Now I remember. Jason is Zombie Superman. Half evil, half good.
And to just finish it all off, here's a picture which you know charms my damn heart.
As my friend Kati said, "Their sexy Satanic Majesties."
I sort of love Halloween, even if I don't really participate.
And here, for your Halloween rock 'n roll enjoyment.
The band at the church next door is rocking, it's chilly in my house, the chickens are all in bed and the Stones are playing tonight in Perth.
This is the time of year when the membrane between worlds gets a little thin.
I can feel it.
Can you?
Much love...Ms. Moon