I've taken zero pictures today so here's one Jessie sent the group of some of her biddies. Their heat lamp is red because it's supposed to be less stressful on the babies and allows them to follow a more natural routine than a white light. Also, some say that it prevents the chicks from pecking at each other. I have no idea if that is true.She sent me a little video last night wherein August says that he named one of them "Buffalo" and then he says, "Wait. I mean, I named him Chicken Wing."
Oh my.
I hear that Sophie is probably the most excited member of the family about the chicks.
Jessie says that when she's in the room with them, she shakes all over with her excitement and when they take her out of the room, she cries by the door. Now whether she wants to mother them or kill them is up for debate. Vergil says she wants to play with them and I'm sure she does. That will be another element to figure in to the equation of chick-raising at their house.
I have not felt like the same person I was yesterday, so filled with determination and energy. I just could not force myself to do anything, either inside or out but instead, spent most of the day looking at stupid videos and wasting my time and hating myself for it. I finally got out my sewing machine to hem two pairs of overalls that are just way too long and ended up doing one pair, badly, and instead of feeling that I've accomplished something, I feel as if I've fucked something up.
Glen and Vergil went out to put up trail cams where they hunt so they can see what's going on. The cameras have to be programed and batteries have to be put in. Ladders are involved and all kinds of discomforts like hiking through the hot mosquito- and tick-filled woods. I found a tick on myself the other day and my husband had to pull it off for me. Little bastards.
Anyway, they didn't get back until almost five and Glen, at least, is exhausted. Vergil took home a Pack'n'Play I've had in my closet since Levon was a baby, some field peas, and some brownies. I got a wild hair last night and made some. The Pack'n'Play is for the chicks who will need a bigger space soon. For those of you who do not know, a Pack'n'Play is a portable crib for babies and toddlers and a must for grandmothers who keep young grandchildren sometimes. They work well, being deep and having netting to keep the babies inside, both human and avian.
I've recently cut down on my dose of hormone replacement therapy and I'm thinking that may have something to do with my wildly swinging moods, my tendency to cry, my feelings of despair and thoughts of mortality. I could be wrong. I frequently am. But I do know that hormones have a great deal to do with emotions and not just in women, either. I'd like to get off of them completely as I've been on them for a very long time and also, I have a love-hate relationship with the gynecologist whom I need to prescribe them. I don't really hate him, he's a very pleasant person and is absolutely the most skilled person I've ever had do a lady exam, completely eliminating embarrassment and pain for me, but I resent the fact that I'm still having to get these dang things after a lifetime of lying on my back with my legs in stirrups and my most private of privates examined and scraped. My womanly parts have always been so very good to me with hardly ever any problems beyond the most mundane and I'd love to reward them by never having to expose them to light or little cell-collectors or speculums ever again.
You men have no idea although yes, I know you have to go through your own version of the same, but it's not quite the same, I think.
I went on hormone replacement therapy originally for various reasons including debilitating hot flashes that went on for years, depression, and anxiety. It is a quality-of-life situation but I'd like to think by now that I can live without the HRT.
I will tell you though- if the hot flashes return along with any of the other symptoms, I'll just be on this shit until I die. Unless you've ever experienced hot flashes, you cannot know the thermonuclear force with which they hit, multiple times during the day and night, turning your face beet red, scrambling your thoughts, causing profuse sweating, and basically interfering with life and with sleep. And for me, sleep IS life. Most women pass through these demon possessions eventually but mine, as I said, lasted for years and my then-doctor told me that 20% of women never stop having them. Since I've been tapering off the HRT, I've been experiencing some very mild ones that I can live with and that's okay.
So this is an experiment and I guess I need to be kind to myself as I go through this transition.
Mr. Moon just got invited to go mullet-gigging on the Wacissa tonight.
Despite the fact that I know he's exhausted, already having leg cramps, and that standing in a boat in order to gig mullet is not going to be easy, he desperately wants to go and so he will. He's thought it out and come up with a way he can sit when they're not gigging and lean on a railing when they are.
Funny. I used to be married to a man for whom the word "gig" had a very different meaning than it does to Mr. Moon. And again, for those of you who may not know, gigging for fish is not unlike spearfishing although that is done while diving. A fishing gig is more like a pole with multiple sharp prongs on it that you can use from the shore or a boat. You can gig for fish, gators, and frogs.
Yes. Frogs. Frog legs are a delicacy. Not one that I'd ever try.
How in the world did this man and I ever decide to get married, much less stay married for forty years? I won't even go out for dinner anymore because leaving the house at night is way too stressful for me while he'll get on a small boat, go out on a river in the dark, and try to stab fish with a tool not unlike Neptune's trident.
At least I know he'll come home when that gigging is over and perhaps with some delicious mullet instead of showing up at dawn-thirty with a hangover and a story that no one in their right mind would believe.
Boy. I'm not mincing words tonight, am I? Let's blame it on a lack of estrogen and progesterone, i.e., me being my real true self at the age of seventy.
Next thing you know, I'll be cursing like a sailor.
Oh wait. I already do.
Love...Ms. Moon