Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Night In Lloyd


  1. The vegetables look a little like cookies in that pic or I am in the mood for cookies. The bugs in Fla would do me in even if I lived on martinis but maybe if I had a Mr Moon glued to my side to get them it would be ok. Maybe. Probably not. Now I want a martini! Have a great night!

  2. That martini looks darn fine! Also I never completely trust people who won't leave a door open to the you are okay by me.

  3. I love it all except the spider! Enjoy.

  4. I am Sooooo there, pour my 'tini !!

  5. Minus the scary spiders, Friday night in Lloyd looks pretty darn good. Hope you have a great weekend. Take care, Ms. Moon.

  6. I love the spiders. For the record.

  7. I have never tried a martini. You have inspired me. Just one question. Are they bitter?

  8. Anonymous- Ha! I am on my own when it comes to bugs. Mr. Moon is busy enough keeping them off of him!

    Blue Gal- I am most happy when the weather is temperate enough to leave a door open.

    Lora- Spiders. Many more than one. But they stay in their webs.

    Mel- It was a lovely night.

    liv- Gotcha!

    Mr. Shife- We are far more apt to be damaged by the martinis than the spiders. Believe me.

    Steve Reed- I know you do! I love that about you!

    Bugerlugs- Yep!

    Annicles- No. Not bitter. They just taste like vodka, mostly.
    Which is what ours are.

    Nicol- It was until the little child next door at the church started screaming. But that's another story and all turned out well.

  9. So nice. Nothing like a Friday evening!

  10. Love this photo post. The last one of Mr. Moon is my favorite.

  11. What are you doing with the tomatoes? Roasting or dehydrating them? Can you tell me how to do it? I'm such a pain, sorry.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.