Sunday, September 14, 2014

This. That. Nothing Serious.

I get the biggest kick in the world from knowing that my most-domestic of hens are direct descendants of the dinosaur and if you should ever doubt it, just check out that picture of Miss Nicey.
Ah, lah. I fucking love science, as they say.

So. Five more hours of weeding today. I feel as if I should have back muscles like a bull. Snort! Attractive image, eh? I'm going to get that garden ready for tilling by this time next week or know the fucking reason why! I mean it! Mary Boleyn and I have been working hard, she in and out of the King's bed, me in the future collard and lettuce beds. I am completely exhausted and walking like a drunken sailor. Thank god there's an entire leftover pizza in the refrigerator to heat up for our supper. I doubt I could slice a cucumber if I had to.

Another lovely day. Another day of sweating and twisting and digging and heaving and hauling and piling up huge barrow-loads of compacted weeds on the edge of the woods. Another day of my chickens coming behind me to peck at weed seeds and bugs as I kneel in the dirt.
Pray, pray, pray. To the great god of dirt. I do so with great respect and pleasure.

I have poison ivy, I have chigger bites. I have...I have no idea what they are but they itch like a motherfucker.

Lord. I am not only walking like a drunken sailor, I am talking like one too.
You know, when I first met Mr. Moon, I think he was frankly shocked at my filthy, filthy mouth.
He got over it.

Here's another picture I took this morning. The iPhone finally decided to kick in. I swear to you- I think those damn phones know when a newer model has been released. They get all funky and shit. Anyway...

That's for Sophie.

All right. This made me laugh so much. A Facebook thing from last night that Billy posted to our dear Togi.

What would I do without my sweet boys? 
They make me feel so rich as does the new Goodwill apron I am wearing over my new white linen TJ Maxx dress after my shower. I washed my hair because I was seriously afraid that the sweat soakedness of it was going to turn into mildew. Tomorrow I will take my walk and it will all begin again. But for a few hours, it will smell delightfully of shampoo and conditioner and perhaps it will even dry out completely tonight. While I sleep for another ten hours. 
Hopefully not dreaming that I have to pack and be at the airport at 5:30 a.m. which is what I dreamed last night. Among other awful things. 

And I'll have my grandsons tomorrow and Elvis just had his way with Chi-Cha who is straightening her feathers back out like a Tudor woman straightens her gown after the king has his way with her and life in Lloyd is fine. 


  1. Haha! I call Ms Nicks goat lady as well...!

  2. I read the other Boleyn, only in book form. I think it took me ten or twelve hours. But I couldn't put it away until I knew! If I re-read it, ever, it will be in my ears.

  3. Sounds like you had an active day. We have decided to forego planting anything in the garden for fall. I will buy collards from some of the people on the island. Nothing much else does well in fall/winter here. We are tired today too. Lots going on around here and all good.

  4. Thank you for the mermaid. The Boleyn sounds intriguing to listen to, although apparently beheading people is still not considered barbaric a thousand years later. Sigh.

  5. ^^Well, it is considered barbaric in MOST quarters, even in the Islamic world!

    Isn't it great to take a shower and clean up after getting all sweaty at a heavy task like weeding? Best feeling in the world.

  6. I read The Other Boleyn girl years ago when it came out and I loved it. I read it out loud to Noah on a roadtrip and we both got the biggest kick out of the word 'cunny'.

    This post was enough to almost--almost--make me want to work in the dirty and get sweaty, which are both things I hate. So that's saying something.

  7. Big Mamabird- I am obviously not of the cult of Stevie.

    Joanne- The audio production is very good.

    Syd- My fall/winter garden is when we get all of our good salad greens as well as the collards and turnips. ARUGULA!

    Elizabeth- Things do not change that much. I swear.

    Steve Reed- And then to open that beer...

    Ms. Vesuvius- I LOVE the word "cunny" and I also love to read out loud to my husband on road trips. I think I just have the old Southern woman yardworking gene. It kicks in during your late forties, early fifties. You probably don't have it.

  8. I love your potty mouth!
    I love Stevie Nicks. It's okay that you don't. More for me, hee hee!
    I have work to do today. Garage cleanup. And yard cleanup.

  9. my name is ruth I married my husband for 5 years were living happily together for this year and not until he traveled to Italy for a business trip, where he met this girl and since then, the kids and I hate and i want only. so when my husband returned from his trip, he said he does not want me and my children to see again what got us out of the house and now goes to Italy to see this other woman. So me and my children were now so frustrated and I was staying with my mother and I was not trying to be okay because my mother married another man after my father's death so the man she married no treated her well, i and my children were so confused and I was looking for a way to get my husband back home because I love and appreciate so much so that one day, as I was browsing my computer i saw a testimony about this launcher spells DRokowaspelltemple, testimonies shared internet impress a lady and I think both also give it a try. At first I was scared, but when I think of what I and my children are going through what contacted him and told me to stay calm for just 24 hours my husband turns to me and my best surprise I received a call from my husband on the second day after asking children and drokowaspelltemple called me and said your problems are solved to my son. so this was how I get my family after a long brake effort by a lady so bad with all this help from DR Okowa, I want everyone in this forum will join me to say a huge thanks to DR Okowa, yi also advice for any of these or similar problems or any problems should also contact him, his email is (drokowaspelltemple@GMAIL.COM or 2,348,068,048,519) is the solution to all their problems and predicaments in life. once again, your email address is ( THE SPELL IS SPECIALIZE IN THE FOLLOWING. (1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you ever have nightmares. (3) If you want to be promoted in his office. (4) If you want women / men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) If you want to be rich. (7) If you want to tie your husband / wife to be yours forever. (8) If you need financial assistance. (9) Have you been scammed and want to recover the money lost. (10) if you want to stop your divorce. (11) if you want to divorce her husband. (12) if you want your wishes are granted. (13) spell conceive Pregnancy Baby (14) Ensure win divorce cases and courts concern no matter what stage (15) Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking. (16) if you have a disease such as (HIV) (CANCER) or any disease. (17) if you need prayer for the release of your child or yourself. Again, be sure to contact him if you have any problems you will help. his email address is ( contact him immediately ...

  10. my sister called chickens the Borg when she had some because they all acted in unison. no fall garden for me I don't think. maybe some lettuce and carrots.


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