Saturday, July 14, 2012

Oh My

Okay. Instead of seeing Bill Murray's face, I saw Matthew McConaughey's ASS!
And abs.
Dude has a fine, fine ass.
And abs.
And we sat in the front row! It was AWESOME! (Those were the only seats available. Obviously everyone in Tallahassee was at the movies this afternoon.)

Moonrise Kingdom was sold out. Completely. So there we were, five women of a certain age and we elected to go watch some beefcake and we were not disappointed. It was definitely not the worst movie I've ever seen.

Don't worry. I will make the trek back to town soon, soon, soon to see Moonrise Kingdom. We're thinking about trying for a morning movie. I didn't even KNOW they had morning movies! Life is so full of exciting possibilities, isn't it?

It sure was fun, sitting on the front row of a movie theater with four other ladies watching men strip and dance. We cheered and whooped. We groaned and laughed. We sighed and said, "Oh my."

It wasn't the afternoon I thought I'd have, but it wasn't bad. Not bad at all.


  1. was there peen? that's all i really want to know.

    glad you had a good time!


  2. Nicol- Yay! I made you laugh!

    Mrs. A - Tiny fast shots. Yes. But not anything long enough to really dwell on. Teasers.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You make me smile, on this and many other dark days, and that's no mean accomplishment.

    Glad you had your voyeur on.


  5. Too funny. I wondered if that movie could be any good, I guess you answered that question. If I do go see it, I'll take my girlfriends and sit right up front!

  6. Mrs. A- Let me be clear- the shots were tiny, not the peen.

    Pamela- Aw. That makes me happier than anything I could hear tonight. Thank-you. I swear, I am thinking of you so much and cherishing my own man more so because of that. I am not taking him for granted. I promise you.

    Mel- I highly recommend it. I seriously do. The plot is a bit thin and not necessary anyway. Pure enjoyment.

  7. your comment had enough double entendre in it to make me want to see the movie!

    "Mrs. A - Tiny fast shots. Yes. But not anything long enough to really dwell on. Teasers. "

  8. hahahahahahahaha! I loves me some nice ass.

  9. Sounds like THAT was the movie that shoulda been called "Moonrise Kingdom." Or moonrise kingdom come.

  10. Holy cow, I'm takin myself out to the movies!

  11. how fabulous...... and still Moonrise Kingdom to come!!

  12. Ah, the joy of unexpected ass.

  13. He's the reason why I just can't go see that movie. I can't stand that actor -- he gives me the absolute willies.

  14. Beth- And who doesn't?

    Murrbeth- So true!

    Denise- It's a hoot.

    Young At Heart- I know. It's like foreplay.

    Jo- Seriously.

    Elizabeth- I understand. I feel that way about JIm Carrey. Cannot stand him.

  15. I think I will pass on ole Matt's ass and peen. No movies have really been ones that I wanted to see. Too bad there isn't a Deadwood movie.

  16. Syd- Yeah. I don't think you'd like that movie. It's okay.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.