Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Goodness And Grace And The Mall, Too

I went to the mall, y'all. Now before you start offering your condolences, let me tell you that I had a pretty good time there. First off, there was hardly anyone there. Secondly, it was interesting. I mean- stuff to buy! I almost bought an Estee Lauder product to get the Free Bonus Gift! but did not although I seriously did consider it. I looked at my make-up this morning and I thought, Jesus Christ. I should throw every bit of that shit out. I never use it, half of it is over twenty years old, and...WTF?
Anyway, no, I didn't buy any of that but I did buy Lily a pair of maternity jeans and two shirts which I had promised her for her birthday and we just had a fine time, chatting with people and getting coffee and stuff. And Gibson got to ride a car that went up and down and back and forth AND play in the little playground where when he saw another little boy's mother give her son cheese, he made such soulful eyes that she sweetly offered to give him some too. One of those little red-wax wrapped cheeses that you can eat and then make red noses or lips out of the wax with.

He was so happy! So it was a good time and then on our way out, I ran into two people whom I haven't seen in forever and whom I adore and we got to chat for a few moments so, yeah. I really did enjoy the mall. 

Then we went over to Jessie's. We had told Boppy that we were going and damn if he didn't beat us there and run in and grab August before we could get Gibson unbuckled from his seat. 
Dang Boppy!
He finally handed the little guy over though and Lily and I swooned and sniffed and kissed and patted and swooned and touched and sniffed and kissed and swooned....

He tried to eat my shoulder. I would gladly let him. 

Lily and I gave Jessie some food we'd brought and by then we were all hungry too so we gave him back to his mother although we kept coming back for one more kiss and sniff and swoon. 

He is one week old today and he is back up to his birth weight and he is a very, very calm and soulful little man. Here he is, hanging out with his daddy.

I can't believe he's a week old and I can't believe he hasn't always been here. 

We finally pulled ourselves away and went to El Patron for lunch and for those of you who live in Tallahassee- are you aware of their $5.79 lunch specials? It is, without a doubt, the very best lunch for the money in town that I know of. We ate our fill and it was good and I have leftovers in the refrigerator. 

It was a fiesta!

Then Lily and I picked up Owen at school and now I'm home and the sun has come out and it's been a good day. I was happy to go away and now I'm happy to be home and do your realize that Lily only has thirteen more weeks of pregnancy before her little girl is here? And then May is getting married? And then Mr. Moon and I are going to Mexico?


But for right now, I am going to make a little quiche and finish laundry and be-here-now and be glad and grateful for all of this. 

(Amen, she said, silently and with great sincerity. 


  1. Dear Soul sister , funny how there are so many things I go yes indeed. When a new baby arrived I always think I can't believe you have not always been with us. I had a fine day yesterday with my 20 month old great niece. We went to the children's group at the museum at the end of my street. We learnt about possums . We came home, aye cake and she had a good sleep cuddled up on her old auntie. We looked at flowers and she was fascinated by the a jelly bean succulent plant . Her little brother will arrive in the next month. We will soon be emmersed in the swooniest of baby love.
    I went to the big mall last week and the same thing happened to me. I really considered spending $69 to get the fantastic gift pack. I resisted the momentary impulse too. Much love xxx

  2. Ah, the photos of August on your shoulder are the best...I can't decide which I like better. I see that he already is recognizably related to Owen and Gibson. Love on, sista.

  3. Look at him! Already losing the newborn look and yes he does look soulful. I don't know how you manage to leave. I am wondering if he is going to be tall because it looks like he has long feet.

    August and Gibson are going to have such fun!

  4. I feel like I got my good fix for the day, thank you! I've missed Gibson and now I miss Owen! August is so sweet. Yes he has long legs and long feet. I wish I could swoon and sniff and kiss his little head. You have lots more exciting things ahead of you!

  5. Big love from the NorthWest.
    Yum, those babies are yum.

    XXX Beth

  6. All the gorgeousness!
    I have the same with the mall over here. It can be a great experience (the time there were real Storm Troopers and Marie was too excited!), but it can also be horrendous.
    I ordered that book from the evil that is Amazon. I should have it next week.

  7. Those pictures of August make me swoon. And a trip to Mexico - yippee!!

  8. I throw my makeup out every six months. Hint hint.
    I laughed at the Boppy beating you to the baby. Those damn grandpas are quick and sneaky!

  9. August is beautiful and growing so quickly. Quite a change just in one week! Such lovely pictures you chose to share with us. We are also swooning now ;)
    So good to hear about your lovely day!

  10. Oh, what a dear little fellow. And before you know it, he'll be running all over the place! Isn't it just amazing how quickly that happens!

  11. Oh, I missed that you're going back to Mexico! Yay! Love the baby photos. Keep 'em coming, as I'm sure you will. :)

    I haven't been to a mall in ages. I used to think they were so fun and wonderful. Now I wouldn't go near one if I could help it. Age!

  12. Oh, that darling little squish. He's starting to come out of himself into the world more, isn't he? Less mystery, more chub. Sweet baby.

    Babies and weddings and Mexico, oh my!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.