Saturday, April 28, 2012

"If Mozart Hadn't Died, Stravinsky Never Would Have Arisen"

The world, and specifically, our area, lost a beautiful soul today. Her name was Anne Rudloe. She was a Zen Buddhist, a writer, a naturalist. She and her husband, Jack Rudloe have done more for the local preservation of our ecology here than anyone and they were co-directors of an amazing place called The Gulf Specimen Marine Lab.

Here is a video made before she died. It is well worth watching for many reasons.
I feel quite sure that Anne is just fine, whatever death has brought her. And we are the better off for having had her.  


  1. I am sorry to hear that. She did a lot of good work.

  2. Wow. I am so impressed by what this incredible woman had to say! I'd never heard of her before but just in this one video I found her heart-warming, touching, and full of wisdom. I plan on finding out more about her now. This is such a valuable contribution Mary. Thank you.

  3. Simply beautiful. Thank you for this peek into the life of an amazing soul. The Church of the Batshit Crazy opened its doors on a Saturday to share this mighty fine guest speaker ~ I look forward to reading her book!

  4. One of the best and truest sermons i've heard in a long time, thank you.

  5. watched it twice

    thank you Ms Moon


  6. oh my mary moon,
    you have just given me a new patron saint.
    holy. each word. utter grace.
    thank you anne rudloe.
    thank you for living fully and inviting us to do the same.

  7. Syd- I feel so sorry for Jack and the kids but I am hoping that Anne's faith sustains them now.

    Rubye Jack- She was a very advanced soul, I think. So is her husband. Her books are wonderful too. I especially recommend his book on Turtle Mother.

    lulumarie- As you well know, every day is the Holy Sabbath here at the church of the batshit crazy. Well, as holy as any other. She was grace, wasn't she? That Buddhist scientist?

    messymimi- I'm so glad you liked it.

    michelle- Darling, I think of you all the time. Please drop me a line if you get the notion.

    rebecca- She and her husband have done so much for us locally. I would love for them both to be known more universally. I think they deserve it and I think the world is hungry for what they bring to us.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.