Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm Tired


I have nothing this morning.
It's a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other, don't-stop day.

It's a flat-mind day.

It's a day and I am already regretting the wasting of it in such flatness.


  1. Coffee
    Some days just go like that.

  2. i would say let the flatness have its day. own it. live in it. enjoy it. it has its own kind of peace, i think. i am having a flat day too. i cancelled everything that was trying to make me come out of my house. i am staying inside. flat. love to you.

  3. Is flatness perhaps a reminder to rest? Either way, I hope tomorrow feels rounder.

  4. The same for me. I'm thinking that I might break bad and go for a walk on the beach. Unprecedented.

  5. Some days are just a one foot in front of the other type of day. Tomorrow may be different.

  6. Today I got up, took my kids to school then came home and went back to bed. I did get up and go to the nursery and picked up some things to plant then I came home again and etched out a semblance of dinner. Now I am tired and just want to go to bed and it is 7:08. No, I want some ice cream and then I want to go to bed.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.