Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quote Of The Day

From my friend Billy, explaining why, when he took his grandparents to the urologist he decided not to go in with them:

"I didn't feel like sitting in a waiting room with a bunch of old people waiting to get their junk checked."

I love Billy so much.


  1. Billy is one of the smartest dudes I know.

  2. And that is why you two are best friends.

  3. Wait- he's MY secret lover! This is SO wrong.

  4. Shouldn't just be old guys. My husband went to a urologist not too long ago to get his junk checked and snipped. He's now a neutered man!

  5. I guess Billy and I will get along fine. Laugh.

  6. Rebecca- I think it was more the junk than the old people.

    Ms. Bastard-Beloved- I knew you would like this one. And yes, you and Billy will be secret lovers too when you come to visit.

  7. I don't know -- Billy might have felt like a god if he'd gone in. That was the way I felt (a goddess, actually) when I visited the proctologist's office when I was twenty years old.

  8. Ha, Billy may find that one day he needs his checked too.

  9. actually, i think i was referring more to the combination of a room full of old people waiting to get their junk checked and a really sleepy baby that i might not wanna be involved in at all. we've done it before and i'm sure we'll do it again, but that day it was just not gonna happen. plus? junk that needs to be looked at? not what i wanna know about. and i promise, i'm really not an asshole.

  10. daddy B- You are the farthest thing from an asshole that I know of.


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