Saturday, June 6, 2015

Addendum Plus Lagniappe

When I die, my daughters get the diamonds but my son gets the prize.


  1. My Grandmother's cast iron is the only cookwear i like to use. Your Son will indeed get a prize!

  2. Oh yeah!!! and all seasoned too.

    XX Beth

  3. I have my great-grandma's, my Grandma's and my Mama's cast iron skillets. They mean more to me than my diamonds (of which I have few, but you get my point).

  4. I love my cast iron. At the moment I only have three, all from thrift stores. It took years to find the right ones. Good cast iron cookware...I wonder if it has ever created rifts in families?

  5. There's a poem waiting to be written there.

  6. My thirteen year old granddaughter makes fabulous cornbread--in the iron skillet. There are two sides to success.

  7. Cast iron skillets are something I've never used, hard to believe but it's true.

  8. messymimi- He might have to share some of that bounty.

    Beth Coyote- All well-used. Every size.

    Catrina- Absolutely!

    Birdie- Oh, I have no doubt. People will fight over anything when someone dies.

    Marty Damon- Could be.

    Joanne Noragon- I always make cornbread in the skillet. It's the only way!

    jenny_o- I can't imagine not cooking in these pans. I have another iron pot that I use all the time too. If treated properly and used properly, they are about as non-stick as you can get. And without the weird chemicals.

  9. Angella- My man mostly swoons at what I cook in them. It's good to keep a man all swoony.

  10. I am swooning. What is your secret to "curing" these?
    What a treasure!

  11. Lucky son. But diamonds aren't too shabby, either.

  12. Oh, I'll share 'em around. And yobobe, her secret is cooking in them day in and day out for 40 odd years. Some very odd.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.