Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A day starts off and you let the chickens out and you note the new blooms and you go for your walk and you've gotten a phone call and a dear friend is in the hospital and you're ready to go right that second and suddenly all the things you thought you needed to do fall away and you're reaching for your big string bag in your mind to pack it but it's not the thing to do right this second and you feel struggly in your heart and you remember how much you love certain people and how life is just so weird and she'll be fine, this friend, she'll be FINE but damn you want to go and make sure that everyone is okay and do laundry and clean toilets and make applesauce or soup or whatever is needed, whatever is needed, whatever is needed.
I mean it.

I'll let you know how things go.

Much love...Ms. Moon


  1. Mary you are so fine such a fine friend such a fine mother. I adore you. I am in a period of activity (summer does it to me) of wanting to get out and be around people. Oh that you lived near me. We could have such a brilliant time together.

  2. Dear Mary, I hope you friend is back to normal soon, I can tell how much you love her, and how much you want to be at her side. I am sure this alone, helps her, knowing you are holding her so securely in your heart. And now we will in our hearts, too. So much love to you.

  3. As others have already said, how lovely and healing for your friend to have you there, and may she soon be home and recovering.

  4. Rebecca- My heart quakes at the thought of how it would be if you and I ever met in the Meat World. My god. We would stay up for days. Our mouths would never stop.

    Angella- You are such a part of my heart. Thank you.

    A- I am sure she will be. Our bodies- they will betray us, won't they?

  5. What an amazing friend you are...I am sure just the knowledge that you are ready to help in any way you can will be of immense comfort to your friend. Hope she soon feels much better and bounces back from her surgery and, if you do go and help out, that you have a safe trip.
    Your day lilies are magnificent! That is what they are, I hope?

  6. Desiree- I am ashamed to tell you that I don't know the name of those lilies. They are not day lilies. I used to know it, at one time, perhaps, but it has escaped through the holes in my brain. Aren't they delicate and beautiful? Blushing pink would describe them perfectly, I think.

  7. Are they perhaps crinum lilies? I tried Googling them 😉

  8. Desiree- YES! Exactly! Thank you!

  9. I recently acquired one bulb of a pink crinum lily and it bloomed this year. two! bloom stalks off one bulb. now my red crinums are blooming and the white spider lilies are putting up bloom stalks! I'm so happy! the red crinums and the spider lilies I moved from the city house last summer.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.