Monday, August 18, 2014

This Is Most Definitely August

Lily sent me this picture this morning. Owen's first day of school.
Oh my goodness.
He is so ready. He only goes three mornings a week which will be perfect as a way to start. He's coming over here this afternoon and so I shall hear all about it.
Golly, golly. I can't believe it.

All the rain brought back the green. The resurrection fern has unfurled and turned emerald again. The crickets are humming, the hens were on the nests this morning. I got out a bit earlier to take my walk and still sweated through my clothes. It is steamy as a sauna out there and according to the weather app I use, only 84 degrees but with a heat index already of 98.
I don't trust that shit but I do agree, in this case, that it already feels hot. Very hot.

Summer in Florida. I yearn for the beach but remember the heat there, how it radiates off the sand, how the sun is merciless, the water like a bath. Yet I still yearn to watch the sun rise and set, to watch for the dolphins making their sleek, graceful way up and down the beach in morning and in evening. To hear the chatter of the seagulls, the water as it washes the sand, over and over again. The deafening chorus of cicadas which encircle the island every evening. The diamond-spangled night sky reflected on the ocean's breast.

Perhaps we shall go and stay for awhile in early October when the weather is more reasonable.
For now we move slowly through the hot, thick air. The children make new beginnings at school. The chickens will soon begin to molt, the hurricane lilies will break through the ground to make their otherworldly blooms. The fresh green of spring and early summer has taken on a wearier cast. The planet does what it is supposed to do and I don't want to miss a lick of it.

Good morning from Lloyd.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Owen in school! I'm not ready! But gosh he looks ready. Look at that face. Adventures await.

  2. Good grief, Mary! That adorable face! How can it be school time again already? My daughter goes back in 2 days, my son in one week.

    Thank you for the delicious description of your summer yard and gardens. This last push before fall is always a wonder. I'm trying to pull together a post and pics of the abundance in my yard too, but there is so very much to do and so little time.

    Good morning and happy monday to you too.

  3. Sweetest face :) I love it. You're all doing such a beautiful job with those boys xx

  4. You are a God of the world, woman, you really are. Every day spinning new forms and glories out of the void, your every word and gesture a prayer to all you love.

    We are all of us astounded. And grateful to you for your gift of showing us that we can be just like you if we only decide to do so.


  5. I almost passed out when I saw Owen with that backpack, thinking he was starting Kindergarten already. Is it pre-K? Oh, my.

    I had to look up Resurrection Fern...I never knew they were called that. I learn something new from you every day, Ms. Mary Moon.

  6. My heart. Can't wait to hear the report Owen gives.

  7. School? Already? OMG.

    And we have no rain here. It's weird, no rain in the NW. Hell, we're FAMOUS for rain.

    XX B

  8. Just LOOK at Owen! I can't believe it either.

  9. Preschool is so great. Both my girls still pine to go back to it. Can't wait to hear about Owen's adventures.

    It's steamy here too. Steamy and gray. I don't much care for it and am already wistful for fall.

  10. I sobbed and sobbed on the first days of preschool. My heart goes out to his mother and father. Oh, it hurts!

  11. He looks so grown-up. I always yearn for the beach, I am really hoping to go to St. Pete soon. Gail

  12. Owen looks so relaxed and happy!

  13. Angella- Yep. We may not be ready but he is.

    Mel- I think we have more blossoms around here in the late summer/fall than we do in spring. It is such a nice thing to experience when the weather gets so hot and we are so weary from it. And then in the winter, the blessed camellias. I look forward to them all year.

    Jo- I love his confidence. It shows how absolutely he knows he is loved.

    Tearful- Dear man! You make me feel like such an impostor. I am one of the most incredibly flawed humans you would ever meet. In so many ways. But thank you. Once again, you've brought tears to my eyes.

    Chrissy- He has a late September birthday so he will essentially be a year older than some of the kids. And taller than most second graders.
    Isn't resurrection fern a perfect name?

    Jill- He liked it.

    Beth Coyote- I know! It is all so weird.

    Denise- You know I will.

    Lora- And your kids are probably high school age now, right?

    Ms. Vesuvius- I've been reading your book all day, tiny bits and pieces while boy-tending. I feel like I have you in my pocket. Enjoying so much. Fall will creep in soon. Hold on.

    ditchingthedog- I cried so much my first day of kindergarten my mother had to take me home. She was so mad. I am not sure I ever got taken back.

    Gail- St. Pete is one of my favorite places.

    A- He's such a little mensch, isn't he?

  14. Owen looks happy and ready. Good for him. The years just seem to shoot by.

  15. Oh, I meant I sobbed on my children's first day of preschool! Actually, now that I think about it was terrified of preschool. All I wanted was my mom.

  16. What is a hurricane lily? That's a new one on me. Gotta look it up!

    The seasons are hinting at change here too. It's colder and more golden. Autumn isn't far away!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.