Thursday, August 7, 2014

I slept for ten hours. Didn't get up once. Woke up once when Maurice came and kissed me on the lips which scared the shit out of me but then she settled down by my hand and wanted some scratching. This cat. She does not purr! What's up with that? Is she defective? Oh well. None of us is perfect. I think I fell back asleep, my hand on her head.

Ten hours of sleep and I'm still exhausted. I don't think I'm going to do a damn thing today except change out the hay in the hen house. This old lady is flat busted when it comes to energy. Hellfire, Martha! I might lay about all day. This is unheard of but I just might fucking do it. Read, watch a little TV. Let the world go on without me.
How's that?
Let all the things I can't do a damn thing about anyway just happen. Let all the things I could do something about just slide.

I bet the sun will still stay in the sky and that the toilets will still flush.

I don't even have the energy to finish this or title it, either.

Call me tomorrow if you need me.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I'm just like you today. I slept ten hours and still could barely drag myself up for coffee. I'm going to stay in bed and do nothing all day. I implore you to join me.

  2. Betsy- I will. Thank you.

    Ms. Vesuvius- You don't have to implore me. I'm there.

  3. Maurice looks like a young cat. She may be purring silently or she may be still getting used to you in spite of being a mouth kisser (Paris does this it's a rare gift) I bet with time Maurice will purr. But the kissy eyes are very telling if she looks at you and almost closes her eyes then she's content.

  4. Rest well. Good god, you deserve it.

    What an uncooperative cat. Piper did not purr as a kitten for a long time. Then she figured it out. I can't quite remember when. it might be that one of my daughters taught her.

    I'm imagining you purring as you rest.

  5. The Ungrateful Bastard doesn't purr very often but that is what makes him an ungrateful bastard. Norbert thinks the world is an unfair and horrible place even though he lives in luxury and gets fed the best cat food money can buy. The only time he purrs is when I have canned salmon and give him the extra juice.

  6. Let's all have a day of being utterly and completely uncooperative in honor of Elizabeth! I love that idea! Unfortunately, I can't do it today but I'm putting it like a chip in my back pocket!

    I love your plan for this day. I think it is inspired.

  7. Awesome Cat Mama here:

    She will purr eventually. (She'd better--purring is one cats' greatest charms.)

    I once adopted a feral stray who gradually developed into a trusting teddy bear. He did all the loving, contented cat stuff--head bashing, slow blinking, kneading, chatting, cuddling--but not a ghost of a throat vibration. It was disconcerting. Then one day, a tiny, tentative buzz in his throat. Within days, an all-out purr, which pretty much didn't stop for the rest of his life.

    Give her time.

  8. Ha! I sometimes wish I could feel that way more often. :)

    Even if Maurice doesn't outwardly purr, it sounds to me like she's purring inside.

  9. Rebecca- She is less than a year old and she does the kissy eyes. Sometimes her throat vibrates a little. I don't really think she's defective. I think she's her own cat and yes, very content to be here.

    Denise- I haven't felt good enough to purr today.
    I think I'm sick.

    Elizabeth- I am wearing pants. That as far as I go for cooperation today.

    Birdie- Norbert is who he is and as such, doesn't feel the need to purr.

    Angella- I think it was necessary too.

    Anonymous- Well, I'll love her even if she never purrs.

    Steve Reed- I think you are right.

  10. Rebecca- She is less than a year old and she does the kissy eyes. Sometimes her throat vibrates a little. I don't really think she's defective. I think she's her own cat and yes, very content to be here.

    Denise- I haven't felt good enough to purr today.
    I think I'm sick.

    Elizabeth- I am wearing pants. That as far as I go for cooperation today.

    Birdie- Norbert is who he is and as such, doesn't feel the need to purr.

    Angella- I think it was necessary too.

    Anonymous- Well, I'll love her even if she never purrs.

    Steve Reed- I think you are right.

  11. Your refusal to cooperate sounds delicious. I hope you did just that. Sweet Jo


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.