Sunday, December 27, 2009

While This Boy Was Sleeping...

I updated my blog list on the site. Now please- for the love of God- if I have missed you, point that out to me.
Please? Please? Please?

(And can you believe that big boy? CAN YOU?!)


  1. He's definitely a genius. Or perhaps a Moon.

  2. Oh, I can't. The great big size of him!

  3. Aw! He is so cute! That is one thing that I deeply regret...not having children. But we always think that there is plenty of time, and my husbands job took him around Europe quite a lot. We even lived in America for a while!

  4. Elizabeth and Jo- He is growing too fast! It's freaking me out!

    Alice- But aren't you only around thirty? There is still time.

  5. He is precious and I want to kiss his head. I also love his new-fangled walker! What are those? Mirrors?

    Word verification: fatness- which is beautiful on Owen!

  6. Ms. Trouble- That one he is playing with does have a mirror. He likes that one.

  7. You missed me :-) And I only tell you because I value your insight so much, even though there is dang little posting going on over there lately.

    And as ALWAYS, Owen is SO DANG CUTE! And it is so fun to watch him grow (almost) right alongside my very own Baby C.

  8. You can add mine if you are so inclined... I promise not to move again.

  9. Well, hey! You've missed me too! I am a new reader though, and you haven't stopped by for a visit. Perhaps that is why? No worries, though. I love your writing and will visit regardless.

  10. Angie- I have no idea why I have never visited you. But I will and you are added to the blog roll! What a beautiful family you have!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.