Monday, December 21, 2009


For Christmas, Hank, DTG, gave me my own domain name. So you can now find me by just typing in blessourhearts. net. He says this makes me more professional.
Well, I guess!
Isn't that a beautiful Christmas present?
I love that boy.
Anyway, things seem to be a bit out of order. Be patient. I have lost my blog list there on the side but will get it back. I promise. Don't worry. I love to list the blogs I love to read.
But right now?
Nope. I got a date with my friend Liz. We're going to reactivate a very beloved tradition tonight. We're going, just the two of us, with Jessie as designated driver. Hey! Gotta toast in the gazebo, babies! Next year we'll bust it open again and have all the women we love and who knew Lynn and loved her because it was HER idea, and it is her we will be celebrating tonight.
There will be tears. There already have been. All day I've been thinking about how fucking amazingly delighted Lynn would be with Owen. And it makes me sad she'll never get to kiss his fat little cheeks and that he'll never get to dance with her.
BUT, life goes on.
And I must go find a bra. And take a shower. And get ready.

All right. Life is one big transition after another. Until it's not.
And I suppose blessourhearts is in one although not really. A rose is a rose, etc.

Thank-you, Hank. I love you. You are one fine son.

Love...Your mama


  1. Fun fun fun, Ms. Moon. Lynn knows what you are up to, and she has already kissed Owen's fat little cheeks, and she is with you. xoxo

  2. Have fun! I started a new blog and it feels great.

    Oh, and I really enjoyed that venison meatloaf. Delicious!

  3. peace to you and your friends and lynn tonight. we'll light a candle with her name on it.

    i hope i make it onto that list...

  4. What a thoughtful gift! Honor your friend and be happy tonight, remembering the beauty and joy of Lynn.

  5. What a wonderful, wonderful gift!

  6. Swallowtail- Well, who knows? But this is what I DO know- if Lynn were here, she would.

    Melissa- Thank-you, sweetie pie. Your new site is beautiful. As are you.

    Adrienne- Thanks for the candle and the light and What?! Is there any doubt you're on that list? Fie! I say! You are the Wise Woman of Tiny Sparkling Magical Beings and Woman Who Understands Levis!
    Of course you are on that list, sweet sister.

    Nancy- And so I have done, even here at home.

    Kori- She was a gift, a blessing and a joy.

  7. Hank,
    That was a GREAT fucking idea. Great, great, gift.

    Love, SB.

  8. Hank is a sweetheart. What a fun gift. Watch out for you now!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.