Monday, December 14, 2009

Way Better Than A Fucking Camellia, Y'all

I love this so much I just have to link it. I did not ask mother-fucking permission. And I think Ms. Bastard would approve.

Merry Christmas.


  1. I am honored and I do approve and you are my family so you NEVER have to ask.



  2. That was WAY TOO funny! I love the maglite addition, and somehow I don't think the angel with the Christmas tree was part of the original design. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ms. Bastard- Love you, honey. Had to share it. Although anyone who reads my blog but who doesn't read yours is, well, deficient.

    Jan- I love my Ms. Bastard. Love you, too.

  4. Oh, I laughed this morning, reading that at work. No time to comment. Will go back later and comment here and there properly. She is one funny ass champion swearing sarcastic bastard, isn't she? You're friendship is so fun. I love how you two love each other. And it's like little kids in church I think, the giggling and swearing. I get drawn right in.

  5. I love SB, and I love your evil Santa, too!

  6. I loved SB's post, and your evil Santa (remember, Santa is just Satan misspelled!) has me laughing out loud on my couch, on a day when I desperately need a laugh. Or a beer. Or both.

  7. Bethany- Ms. Bastard is a joy. I would love for the entire world to know the joy that is Ms. Bastard.

    Ginger- You are one smart woman!

    Rachel- Well, if you were here, I would share a beer with you and we could go out to the front porch and laugh at Bad Santa. And that would be fun.

  8. this is so funneeeeee! My grandmother was just the opposite and found ways each year to reduce Christmas even more. the final years saw a tree, for my benefit only, that was about 10" tall and ceramic. Remember those with the light in the center that shone out through little tiny pretend lightbulbs? Every year another tiny bulb disappeared until it was just a ceramic tree with holes in it.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.