Saturday, July 26, 2014

Kissing and Loving and So Forth

Look at the way my skin is crumpled, wrinkled, folded, soft. This is sixty.
I am not going to fight or resent it any more. Well, maybe.
I am going to say, "Shitfire. I made it to sixty. Everything else is gravy."

Lily and Jason, kissing. 
The best thing that could ever happen to my grandchildren is that their parents love each other. And show it. 
Yesterday Mr. Moon and I were kissing on the bed when Owen was lying next to us, watching something on my iPad and Gibson was right there too. 
"That's making out, " said Owen. He could have cared less. He sees affection and love all the time. 

A picture that Jessie sent me today. 
Yeah. We kiss a lot in this family. 

I've had the best day. I went to lunch with Hank at Fanny's. May had our table all set up with a huge bouquet of gladiolas. We spent hours eating and visiting with May and Michael and Taylor, telling stories and laughing. Hank gave me two beautiful bowls that our friend Joanna Winters made. 

I brought them home and filled them with with eggs from the day's clutch and Maurice wanted to pose with them. There ain't nothing I love more than a beautiful bowl. 

I put the gladiolas in a vase on the vanity in the hallway. 

Is that a glory or what? 

I talked to Lis this afternoon. We laughed at how once again we are going to get in a car and drive away together. I told her how Billy asked if we were going to be gay hipsters in Asheville and Lis said, "Yes! We are going to hold hands and kiss on the lips in public!"

We discussed wardrobe options and so forth. I told her that for my birthday I am thinking about wearing my silk velvet red skirt, my red sequined, beaded, fringed tunic jacket that Kathleen gave me and my Keith Richards for President shirt that Ms. Bastard Beloved sent me. 
She said, "Perfect! And let's talk about jewels!"

This may be one of the best birthdays of my life, if not the best. 

Who knew? 

Not me. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Wonderful! We kiss a lot too. But then we have kissed a lot for many years. You and Glen both look great! Hope that your birthday is one of the best ever.

  2. Syd- Kissing is the best. I think this is going to be a fabulous birthday. It has been so far!

  3. Hurray. Here's to kissing and birthdays and Keith Richards!

  4. Wishing you kisses and more kisses, all kinds.

  5. It took me a while to catch up but it was well worth it to get to this point. Happy special birthday Ms Moon! Many kisses and everything you wish for should be yours! Have a wonderful trip with Lis! Sweet Jo

  6. Wishing you the best birthday ever, Mrs. Moon. Sending kisses from California!

  7. I should hope I look that joyful at 60! Your coy smile makes you look girlish and carefree.
    Those bowls are grand!
    You've blogged three times since yesterday morning and I haven't blogged in days and days. Maybe I need to put my leg on the table?

  8. That sounds like the best birthday outfit ever. Please, please post a picture. With jewels.

    And amen for the kissing! I have only very dim memories of my parents kissing -- well, after all, they divorced when I was 8, and probably weren't in a kissing mood for a long time before that.

  9. Elizabeth- I'll drink to all of that!

    Angella- Sounds intriguing and delightful. Thank you!

    Sweet Jo- Hey Darling! Thanks for the sweet words and good wishes. I appreciate them so much.

    Denise- Oh. I feel them. Thank you.

    Heartinhand- It works for me. Maybe it will for you!

    Steve Reed- I NEVER saw my grandparents kiss. I did see my mother and stepfather kiss and I really wish I hadn't but that was sort of, well, different and really icky.

  10. crumpled skin??? bah!!!

    look at how that man adores you!

    you are gorgeous and your girls are gorgeous and so is the rest of your family

    happy happy 60th gorgeous ms. moon


  11. The Ungrateful Bastard sometimes gets e mails from other cats. He received this one from Maurice for you.

    ♥♥♫♪Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸
    ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*
    •.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday !!!!! ♪♫•*
    ¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.