Friday, July 25, 2014

Is It Five O'Clock Yet?

Blurry photo which is appropriate. I'm blurry too this morning. Gibson had a hard night and thus, so did Mer and Bop. But we all survived and pancakes and bacon were made and eaten and chickens were fed and eggs found and there was playing on the play set and there's been book-reading and snuggling and kissing and singing.
Oh. And we found a dead cat in the garage. By smell.
Not pleasant. Not one of our cats either. My heart clutched even though I knew that Maurice was safe in the house.

And so it goes today. Right now Boppa is blowing bubbles in the back yard for Gibson and Owen is back on the play set and thank God it's Friday and somebody better get their ass to town to buy old Granny some vodka.
It's martini night and not a moment too soon.


  1. I think mid-afternoon martinis are in order.

  2. Heck, I'm surprised you didn't make martini pancakes.

  3. It's mango margarita night over here. With the ladies.

  4. I hope you catch up on some sleep tonight but most of all Gibson settles and sleeps well too.

  5. A dead cat in the garage?? Must have been a feral one. Enjoy your Friday.

  6. hey its always 5 oclock somewhere


  7. Dead cats and low vodka. No wonder you're having weird drams.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.