Friday, September 21, 2012

Heaven On Earth

Can you see Mr. Moon? He's that tiny speck out in the distance, halfway to Lanark. He's pre-breakfast fishing.

I swear. I'm having the best time. Maybe the ghosts have been laid to rest. Sure seems like it. Mr. Moon is having a good time too. He keeps saying that last night was the perfect evening.
I concur.
We stopped on the way down and bought shrimp and Florida lobster tails. I'd never cooked lobster tails.
Now I have.
Dear god. That was one of the best meals of my life. If it had ended with key lime pie it would have been.

We still haven't seen another human.

Pretty perfect.

Good morning, y'all, and happy Friday.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Ahhh...I know that island feeling. My husband and I spend a lot of time on a ferry access only island off the coast of Georgia. WE love sitting under the beach umbrella for hours just reading, napping, and reconnecting. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!
    Lori in Atlanta

  2. May the ghosts stay laid. Enjoy the peace and good sounds wonderful!

  3. Nothing like not seeing another human.


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