Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Every Drop Was Golden

It was so beautiful today that I just kept shaking my head in wonderment. Whether it was the fact that it was the first truly sunny day in a long time or whether it was the cool temperature or whether it was all the new growth, or whether it was just all of it- whatever it was, I was astounded over and over and over again.

And we did everything. 

And Mer Mer is as exhausted as she can be. 


  1. That sounds like a great day. Here, winters are so long that when we get a day like that, it seems like a miracle.

  2. Owen is really getting around in his boot. No stopping him! And Gibson feeding the goat or the burro is darling. I'm so glad you enjoyed your day. Falling into bed is the best feeling ever.

  3. Excellent! Sounds like the perfect April day. :)

  4. It was like that here too. It had been raining for six days straight and finally the sun came out and good things seemed possible again.

  5. We so need rain here that the beauty of the sun is diminished. That makes me realize that gratitude isn't even conditional -- you are so inspirational in your exultation of everything in the natural world.

  6. We so need rain here that the beauty of the sun is diminished. That makes me realize that gratitude isn't even conditional -- you are so inspirational in your exultation of everything in the natural world.

  7. Jo(e)- Days like that are miracles no matter what. That good.

    Joanne- He was feeding goats. I asked Owen yesterday if he can't wait to get rid of that boot. "Nope," he said. I don't think he even thinks about it.

    Steve Reed- And today is absolutely just as, if not more so, gorgeous.

    Ms. Vesuvius- No matter what we think, we are all still creatures of the earth and as such, the weather has tremendous effect on us.

    Elizabeth- Well, I don't get out that much, as you know! Ha!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.