Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ah, Life

Last night was like this. 

And this. 

And this morning it is like this. 

My view from my pillows. I think I may have a little bit of what my baby Gibson had. 

I am hoping to rally. 


  1. rallying is good, but only after waking up verrrry slowww. lon and lis have light coming off them. you four are a very beautiful quartet.

  2. I hope you get the rest you need -- you are rarely sick and know better than anyone else, I'm certain, what you need to do to get better.

  3. Oo dear! I hope you do rally. That bowl of bubbles (well, baubles?) is beautiful.

    Lis and Lon look so full of health and youth!

  4. I would just stay in bed and relish a slow start to whatever the day brings.

  5. These posts are making my heart happy!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.