Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Naked Lunch At Mer-Mer's


  1. :) The only way to keep them clean at mealtime is to strip them down.

  2. I wanna come to naked lunch at Mer-Mer's sometime.....

  3. Naked is fun, by while you're eating?
    I've clearly got issues.

  4. Yep, there were days I was tempted to feed them naked and in the tub just to try and keep control of the mess!

    This is clearly more of a lifestyle choice. I don't see what's wrong with naked eating!

  5. messymimi- He was already naked. He'd gotten naked outside to play in a big pot of water. It's that warm here.

    Kati- Girl- ANYTIME! You can even have your own sippie cup.
    I miss you!

    Magnum- If you're two-and-a-half, EVERYTHING is better naked.

    Jo- Me either. Nice warm spring day, eat your sandwich and your yogurt naked. It does make clean-up easier.

  6. Waylon has been naked in his pool all day. He says, "I feel nice and better, daddy!"

  7. Daddy B- Haha! I know exactly what he's talking about. Wait 'til the day he swims in a sinkhole for the first time! Or Wakulla Springs. Whoa- we gotta take those boys to Wakulla soon. Yeah.

  8. Looks like he has discovered the way to be perfectly comfortable.

  9. Syd- I think we are born knowing this.

  10. What a photo...what memories you make you and "Bop-Bop".....lunch naked? Why not!


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