Friday, January 12, 2018

We Shall Survive. I Swear. Plus, Greek Salads And Lots Of Love

Woke up this morning to a transformer blowing about fifty feet from my bedroom window. Sounded like it was IN my bedroom and was startling, to say the least.
Oh, sigh.
Life in Lloyd.
I called the power company, my neighbor called the power company, I'm sure everyone called the power company. The power company said that "crews have been dispatched" and after about an hour with no sign of crew or power, I figured they'd dispatched the crews from Orlando but eventually they got here and fixed the transformer and I have to say that when you wake up to no power and then get it back on, the rest of the day seems slightly more shiny than it might have.

I was going to go hang out with Maggie while Lily went to get her teeth cleaned but then she and Jessie and I decided that we wanted to go see May because sometimes you just gotta go see May because she is precious and we love her. So I drove Magnolia June over to Jessie's house and we visited and played with Levon and I read some books to August and Maggie busied herself with the novelty of August's toys until Lily was through with her appointment and then we went to the restaurant where May is now working. Same owners, just a different location and we like this location a lot better. It's funky and comfortable and it smells really good. Like pizza.
I knew I was making pizza tonight so I had a Greek salad which was delicious. Here in the south, for some reason Greek salad frequently comes with potato salad and that's just even more goodness on top of goodness and this potato salad and the Greek salad were terrific.
But not as terrific as it was to see May.

Here's Maggie looking at "the baby".

She really wanted to play with him and tickled him some and he seemed to like it. He's getting almost chunky, that Levon of ours. 

That's when we were at Jessie's house and he was getting his clothes changed. 

It was an extremely fun lunch and yes, I have gone out to lunch three times this week with my family in various arrangements and I am as happy as I can be about that. Let's face it- it's about the only social life I have and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

And here's another cool thing that happened today. 

An awards ceremony!
No, I didn't go but Lily sent pictures.

I'm so proud of my boy! He's really getting into reading these days and he got an award for that and for being on the A-B honor roll and for good citizenship. 
Owen! You are growing up so good! 

All day, of course, I've been thinking about DT's "shithole" comments which were crude and cruel and racist and just plain wrong. I mean, I may use profanity and so can DT but not in his role as president while discussing policy. The man has proven beyond all doubt that he is a racist of the worst kind and also, that he's dumber than a box of rocks to suggest that Norwegians might want to come over here and help Make America White Again. And then he has the gall to deny saying what he said and THEN he has the gall to say that canceling his trip to Great Britain has anything to do with the new embassy when we all know that Great Britain has made it profoundly and perfectly clear that they do not want a visit from DT, thank you very much, stay home you chickenshit, dumbshit, shithead, asshat, racist, bullying, cocksucking horrible excuse of a human being, waste of air and water and McDonald's hamburgers, pretender to the office of president of the United States of America. 
Will our country ever regain any respect at all? 
Will we ever recover from the shame and embarrassment? 
Will we ever recover, period? 
And when will DT's Republican minions finally admit that yes, he's crossed a fucking line (about 2000 times) and needs to go? Because they are as responsible for this clusterfuck as he is. 
I am horribly afraid that as long as the market continues to spiral upward, they will just puke in private and count their money. 

Okay! That's enough politics! 
I have electric power, I've gotten baby kisses, daughter hugs and eaten potato salad today and I'm drinking a martini. It's going to get down into the thirties tonight but I have new Crocs with cozy, leopard print linings and we have gas in the tank and food in the pantry and gospel music cranking out from the church next door. 

As George Harrison said, "All things must pass/All things must pass away" and although that bodes a little sad for my own personal life, it reassures the hell out of me when it comes to this administration. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Way to go, Owen!

    I want to twirl Magnolia’s curls around my fingers. I’m sure she would love having a stranger do that. If I ever meet the little cherub I will have to sit on my hands so I won’t be tempted.

    1. She hates to have her hair fooled with and of course, all anyone wants to do is touch it and play with it. Her mother pleads with her to let her give her little pigtails or a top-of-the-head ponytail but she says, "NO!" and that is that.

  2. So proud of Owen! How I love coming here and catching up on your grandchildren, and everything else. I love your political commentary, too. I don't need to write anything about it now, because you said it all just right. Love you woman.

  3. it only took one good man to undo the 8 years of damage the Shrub did so I think we can undo this but it will take longer. who out there can trust us? Rump is pathetic, without the balls to take ownership of his shit. says it and then denies it and then blames someone else.

    Owen is looking more and more like his mom.

    1. You are right. Eight years to undo the evil that was Dick Cheney, channeled through GW. Lord. You're also correct about the ball-less wonder in the office now. Fuck him. So much.

  4. The Babies are more precious every time I see them here, high five to Owen, you make me LOL when you talk Politics because you tell it like it is and none of that disingenuous being PC so you might not offend someone with a different viewpoint, which just makes me Gag... hey, the Truth is the Truth no matter who it might 'offend' and if they can't handle the Truth it's just Sad because denial in Life has never improved anything that was wrong about how it was playing out in Real Time. I do Believe puking in private and counting money is probably the most accurate description one could write about what will happen... coz it's almost always about the Benjamins and that too is Sad, that for a Price, almost anything will be tolerated and accepted... so long as money is being made off it. Excuse me while I go puke now even tho' I have no money to count... winks. Glad you got your Power on again!

    1. Thanks, Bohemian! I sometimes wonder if I'm offending anyone and then I just think, Fuck it. And yeah, it is almost always about the money. At least for Republicans.

  5. It was a restaurant in Tarpon Springs that started added potato salad on top on their Greek salad, and the rest is Florida history.

    1. I do believe I've had that exact Greek salad in Tarpon more than once. Thanks for the information! You are always my go-to guy, Hank. I love you.

  6. I'm quite proud of Owen! And not at all surprised how well he's doing.

    While it is really really sad to me to know how our country has lost respect in the eyes of the rest of the world, I am heartened that so many people of the world recognize how horrible 45 is and also know how many of us here in the US know it too.

    1. Do you suppose they do know that so many of us are far more horrified than anyone can imagine? I hope so because shit- I just feel like I need to apologize to the entire world.

  7. Proud and happy for Owen and you're right about the rest...I start writing about it and become apoplectic since I'm in one of the marginalized groups 45 has publicly been an ass about...

    1. Just wait a little while and he'll have us all marginalized. In fact, I do believe that if you have a brain, you already are.

  8. Well am glad he is not coming He is not being invited to the Royal wedding either even though the bride is American. I hope the massive Trump protests planned go ahead and are used to protest about our revolting government and the disgusting stuff they have done/are doing. What times we are living in! Am reading the book DT wanted to ban. Tedious but explains a lot. Anyway well done to Owen. You and your family continue to cheer the world and me up Maggi x

    1. I don't even know if I can stomach reading that book. But good on you for wading through the sewage! I believe that many, many of us join you in being appalled at the state of the world. It's all rather unbelievable. Thank you for your kind words, Maggi.

  9. Levon is changing so much! Funny little sweet face.

    1. Isn't he? I hardly want a day to go by without seeing him because I feel as if I won't recognize him if I do!

  10. I thought all Greek salad came with potato salad. Is that just a Southern thing?

    Congrats to Owen for all the awards!

    My favorite part of the Trump-Britain thing is that he blamed the new U.S. Embassy on Obama -- when it was actually planned under George W. Bush! He's such an idiot.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.