Monday, November 19, 2012

What Billy And I Talk About Via Text


  1. I can't decide which I love more... Costco or Billy :)

  2. Throw one of those light-up babies in the cart for me.
    : )

  3. Stephanie- Put your money on Billy.

    Denise- Right? Who wouldn't want a light-up baby Jesus?

    gradydoctor- And you saying that made my day. Sending so much love.

  4. Loved that...does it light up? Not much of a Jesus baby if it doesn't light up.

  5. Hahaha, we are awesome. At least autocorrect didn't tell you that I was on the way to mom on my balls. True story, by the way.

  6. A light-up Jesus? That's particularly Moonish. Did you buy one?

  7. hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Nice hippoe couple for parents hahahhahahahahahahahahahaha

    XX Beth

  8. Ellen- I didn't see any lights. But you know- those Chinese can be clever.

    Billy- Sometimes Autocorrect is a sick bastard.
    Love you. Thanks for the blog fodder tonight.
    The world should know the humor which is Billy.

    Elizabeth- Oh god no. The entire set of The Holy Family cost $179.99. I left it there. I did buy a fruitcake though.

    Beth- Well, they had long hair and the daddy had a beard so....

  9. And that wasn't even some of my best work.

  10. Billy- Too true. Way too true. But I liked the picture of the baby. And what Waylon said about Hank.

  11. I have no idea how to do a screen cap of my iPhone texts because dude, I've thought of doing a blog entry just like this one!

    Some texty talks make me laugh so hard!

    I love me some Costco too!

  12. The idea of a 'palate of bananas' is my worst nightmare! :D

    Love the 'does it light up?' Hee.

  13. Unfortunately uncle hank, shayla tells me that you came after axle. But before me. Hahaha


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