Friday, March 1, 2013

I Don't Know

Boys coming and it's going to be a challenge, yes it is.
Last night Mr. Moon and I decided that it would be a good thing to get out of town tonight. Just head down to Apalach and lay up for two nights, take it real easy. But I don't know. Right now, on this chilly gray morning, that seems like more trouble than it's worth.

I guess I'm back on the low side of things. Where my leg feels mule-kicked there is bruising now. Either I'm not doing these exercises right or this is just the normal pathway of the injury's healing. I don't know. But I feel exceptionally old again.

This too shall pass.

And my boys are coming. I hope Owen's tummy feels better. I have muffins and yogurt for him and bananas for his brother. I have love for them both.

Here we go.

Happy Friday, y'all.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. a change as they say is as good as a rest....go it can't hurt and it may help and I think it's a marvelous idea!!x

  2. i know about not wanting to move from the place where one is, not wanting to have to do the packing, which forces us to make choices about how we will appear, oh, i hate it and i am right there because i am traveling next week, but go to apalach with your husband if you can manage it. once you're there, you may feel better. and if you don't, then your home will feel all the more delicious and cosy when you return. my two cents. with love.

  3. I don't know what's best for you guys, but if I had a place to go, I'd be headed there now. Changes of pace can be invigorating.

    Feel better, dear legs.

  4. Ok, I've just been back and read the two posts filed under "The Gibson Inn" in your labels section, along with Oysters and other things (August 2012 where the pinched nerve became unpinched!) . . . I say, pack some silver and go. But, I also know how easily said that is.
    O, I don't know either x

  5. Have you tried Arnica cream on that hip and/or Arnica homeopathic pills orally? I'd say get both of those from the nearest "health food" or other type of store that carries them (brand name for cream "Traumeel"). Take those with you, get outta' town and rest yourself well for a couple of days. Sending love and healing. x0 N2

  6. Sounds good to get away for a geographic cure. I think that they do wonders temporarily.

  7. That bruising sounds serious though. My son's coaches always said R.I.C.E. Rest and ice are easy, for compression maybe one of those strong rubber girdles? Elevation...I dunno this is starting to give me a weird visual, but I think the girdle might help for compression and some anti-inflammatory meds. It sounds like a sprain with the bruising.


  8. Well if laying low at home hasn't cured you, laying low out of town just might. For some reason, I'm imagining you checking into the hotel under an assumed name. Like you're gonna be a new you.

  9. Happy Friday indeed.

    Feel better hip.

  10. rum and ginger beer with a lime, don't matter where and the kids will love it too!

  11. Hope your day was good. Kids can make things a lot better.

  12. Young At Heart- Too tired tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I think it's a good idea.

    Angella- You understand me all too well.

    Vesuvius At Home- These legs. Sigh. Thank-you, dear woman.

    Bugerlugs- I keep thinking about this wonderful bed we've been sleeping in. How it cushions and cradles me. Makes it hard to go away. Isn't that ridiculous! I am so old-feeling.

    N2- I don't have any and I know exactly what you're talking about and I'll get some ASAP. I should have been using it all along.

    Syd- Me too. I swear on them.

    Invisigal- I think that the stretching of the ligaments caused tissue damage in there. The popping- well- there had to be bruising. It was very deep though.

    Denise- Haha! That would be hysterical. To check in under assumed names.

    Ms. Fleur- Happy Friday to you, too.

    Magnum- You always make me smile. But yes, ginger beer and rum is a personal favorite of mine.

    Jenny Woolf-They do, don't they?

  13. Ginger beer and rum with lime...up here we call that a Dark & Stormy. A favourite of ours too.


  14. Okay, I am laughing that I just wrote "This too shall pass" in a comment on your next entry, and you wrote it here!

    Let's hear it for cliches! :)


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.