Saturday, March 2, 2013

Best Commercial I've Seen In A Long Damn Time

And no, of course I'm not getting paid for this.
But still.
Freaking awesome. And it's about time.


  1. Yea I love that commercial. Have you seen the kindle paperweight one? Pretty cool too.

  2. Lily- Precious. Damn. Times are a changing. Thanks be to all the people like the ones we love. Right?

  3. That is hilarious!! And yes, about damn time. I can just hear the right wing flapping as we speak.. hee hee.

  4. I love the idea of the open breastfeeding, but I kind of don't like that the guy is all goggly over her breasts. At least I got that --

  5. HOLY SHIT. For diapers, no less????

    As my mother would say, "will wonders never cease?"

    XXX B

  6. Nicol- I sort of thing so too.

    Ms. Fleur- Can't comment on that one. Maybe.

    Elizabeth- Well, let's face it- that definitely could be the reality of the situation. And if there were more depictions of women breastfeeding without shame, there would probably be fewer googly reactions to it. But I get your point.

    Beth Coyote- Heh-heh.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.