Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Morning Breakfast Time

It's Easter morning and we are risen
And ready to leave for home
And the sky in Albany, Georgia
Over the revolving statue
Of Saint Ray Charles and
The river beside him
Is coming-on blue with
White puffy clouds like
Biscuits split and open and ready
To receive the holy blessing
Of butter.
Some part of me has been reborn
In a sort of love.
And the sun bursts through
Yellow as one of my hen's egg's yolks.
It's been a good weekend.

Happy Easter
We live.


  1. Ray's statue revolves, huh?

    Lovely poem, Ms. Moon. I am glad you've enjoyed your time there.

  2. I just bet that your biscuits are as holy as any communion wafer, being made with such love. And what could be more holy than that?

    Happy Easter Mary and thanks for welcoming me into your beautiful home on the web.


  3. Happy Easter and safe travels home.


  4. •*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•
    ::: (\_(\ ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...::::::::::::::
    *: (=' :') :: Happy Easter! :::::::::::::::::::::
    •.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...:::::::::::

  5. Happy Springtime to you Mary! I've clearly been away from blog-land for a long time...behind (as usual).
    Egads...will I ever get caught up in the life of Mary Moon?

  6. Rebirths all around! Happy Easter dear Mary!

  7. What a great way to start National Poetry Month!

  8. Nicol- It revolves and plays music and has a fountain and it is fancy and cool.

    Jill- It was such a good time.

    Invisigal- It is the home of all of us who find our way here. I mean that. I am constantly astounded at that.

    Ms. Fleur- Albany is just up the road. We made it fine. Thanks.

    Birdie- And to you!

    Ellen- Don't even try. Same-same. With, you know, updates.
    It's lovely to see you here.

    Angella- And to you, precious friend.

    Nancy- I had no idea it was National Poetry Month! Must be a celestial event. Ha!

  9. Yes, it has been a wonderful weekend here as well.

  10. I love this beautiful revelry. You are a poet.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.