Tuesday, March 12, 2013

It rained last night, first a shower and then a deluge, pouring down and soaking in and today it's gray and I slept until eight-thirty and woke up and popped up, feeling guilty as hell because...eight-thirty! but last week that would have been seven-thirty. Jesus. This is crazy.

Last night Mr. Moon screamed in the hallway and I yelled "What? What?" and he said (I thought he said) "A RAT! Close the door!" so I closed the door and I figured he'd get out a bat and kill the rat but then he came into the room with a small towel and said, "I got it," and I said, "There's a rat in that towel?" and he looked at me funny and said, "A BAT, it's a bat."
Oh. And then he took the bat outside and let it go.

Life in Lloyd.

I was going to go to town about elevenish to get groceries and go to the library in preparation for this trip to the island but then I recalled that there's a meeting at the post office about whether or not to continue with it in Lloyd- our tiny post office in an old train station- and I have to go to that. It's at noon. And after that there's a meeting about putting in a SIDEWALK here in Lloyd and I'm sort of interested in that because it'll probably cut through my yard if they do and it's so ridiculous, from what I've heard, like a quarter of a mile of sidewalk that goes from nowhere to nowhere and for WHAT? So my schedule is all screwed up and so what? I mean, it's not like I have a job I have to go to but it's messed with my head, this Change In Plans although I have known about the meeting for at least two months but in my defense, the sidewalk meeting was thrown at me last night via a neighbor who for some reason keeps calling me about this issue. There have already been two meetings in Monticello (Jefferson County's only town and, you guessed it, the County Seat) about it which she had called to inform me of when they happened and I didn't go to those. I guess I figure they're going to do whatever they want with their concrete and right-of-way.
A sidewalk in Lloyd?
My neighbor who called me thinks that a sidewalk in Lloyd from nowhere to nowhere is a good thing because she is of the opinion that anything they do in Lloyd which might possibly indicate that the county knows we're here is a good thing but I'm not sure. All Lloyd has is a post office (which is threatened, I guess) and a trash and recycle depot and a volunteer fire department and a truck stop which doesn't even have a restaurant any more. And a Subway. Yes. We have a Subway.
Hell, when I lived down the road thirty-five years ago Lloyd had two little stores and the truck stop had a restaurant where you could get a hamburger or some fried chicken so we're sliding back here, folks but I'm pretty sure that a Sidewalk To Nowhere isn't what we need.

So of course I feel crazy. I would have felt crazy anyway simply because we are going to the island and doing ANYTHING out of the ordinary schedule makes me feel crazy so now I'm zinging all over the place and I could have gone to town this morning but I slept until eight-thirty, like I said, and I don't want the pressure of a deadline.

See? Crazy.

And it's getting cold. The rain brought cold.

Good morning. I'm sure I'll calm down eventually.

And please- no more bats in the house although the years that we've had a bat in the house meant that there were plenty more where they came from (the chimney in the library) so I am imagining coming back from the island to find a house full of bats and a cement mixer in my front yard and the post office closed. Look- it could happen. One time Mr. Moon and I went to Mexico and when we got back a week later a strip club had opened up in Tallahassee and already been SHUT DOWN by the police and it was a huge deal and we missed the whole thing.

You never know.

You can quote me on that.

Happy Tuesday.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. My goodness! I hope you do not return to find strip clubs and bats. Unless of course you are into that. I'm sure somebody is.

    My sister-in-law once woke to a bat sleeping at her toes.

    I just hate it when I have to be somewhere. Even somewhere I chose to go. The meetings would have me all out of whack, too.

  2. That last paragraph made me laugh out loud: "a houseful of bats, a cement mixer in the yard and the post office closed." Can things really happen that fast in Lloyd?

    Maybe Mr. Moon needs to build some bat houses ~ don't forget mosquito season is coming!

    I'm going to miss you SO MUCH this weekend. So, so much.

  3. One year one of our mayors decided that every street needed a sidewalk along at least one side so they came and put a sidewalk across my yard. Nobody used it. They still walked in the street. Many years later, still no one uses it. Everyone walks in the street.

  4. Funny about the bat. Funny that he actually caught it!

    Say hello to the waves and sand for me... and I wish you the most fun and yet relaxing time.
    Big hugs

  5. Tell the sidewalk makers to come out here in Los Angeles and put some in handicap access corners on our streets instead of a sidewalk in Lloyd.

    This post cracked me up.

  6. I dreamed last night that I went to Dog Island and it turned out that the neighbor was having a goddam family reunion and there were people everywhere, all camping in our yard and his yard and so on. It sucked. I'm glad it was just a dream.

  7. Ms. Vesuvius- Yes. There are people who are into things we cannot even imagine. Bless them, eh?
    A bat at her feet? Dear god.

    lulumarie- Why build bat houses when they have all of our chimneys? Ha! I am going to miss you too. I really am.

    Ellen Abbott- Well, we shall see how many people use the sidewalk in Lloyd. Who knows? Maybe hundreds a day! (I doubt it seriously.)

    Ms. Fleur- Thank-you, dear!

    Elizabeth- I live to make you laugh. I swear.

    Mr. Downtown- That is so funny. I dreamed the other night that unbeknownst to me, Glen had started renting rooms out at the Dog House and I got there and there were tons of people. I was so mad!

  8. When I lived in Sarasota a whole colony of bats lived in the roof, above my ceiling, for a short time. They would swoop out of the eaves at night, huundreds of them. It didn't last very long, though, because the apartment complex sealed off the building while the bats were out -- they had to find somewhere else to live. They stunk, too. But they were fascinating to watch.

  9. And interestingly, they could not be killed according to state law. Bats are apparently protected in Florida. Which I think is great.


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