Thursday, February 28, 2013

What Is Real And What Is Reality?

Well, I did my exercises and I tried to walk correctly. After about a block (if Lloyd had blocks which it does not) I realized that I was not only not walking correctly, I was barely walking. The mule-kick feeling intensified into something akin to a King Kong punch. I thought hell, I'll just keep walking a little, see if I can warm it up, work it out. 
Yeah. That was a good idea but it didn't really work and so after a little more I turned around and by the time I got home I was mostly barely hobbling but being the masochist that I am and because it was so beautiful outside, I decided that doing a little branch-and-stick picking up was just the thing I needed so I did that for about half an hour and no, that didn't really help either but we could now build a nice fire with the sticks and branches and roast some marshmallows on it so all is not lost.
Not that I have any marshmallows but if I DID, I could.

It's been one of those days. I haven't done squat and I don't even care. I did bake my bread and it's beautiful. Baking bread never gets old for me. It's like a miracle, every time. I mix up flours and grains and salt and a little honey and some sourdough starter or yeast and water and before you know it (or in 24 hours, depending), I have bread.

There my loaves are, resting. They, like kale, make me feel virtuous, despite the fact that bread is the enemy now and gluten-free is the way to be. Well, screw that. Maybe some day I'll check that shit out. For now, no way. That bread has oats and whole wheat AND leftover mashed potatoes in it. 

Dolly still appears to be fine. Not to jump the gun or anything but Mr. Moon called and asked the vet how much it costs to have your dog put down. He said that he gives the dog two shots. One to relax her and one to do the deed. This costs $75. I asked Mr. Moon how much he thought the vet would charge if he skipped the relaxation shot and just gave her the lethal one because honestly, she's pretty relaxed all the time. This is all a moot point anyway in that we can't take her in to be euthanized if she merely had a spell or a touch of canine vestibular syndrome (and thank you, Allison, for bringing that to my attention) or something like that. Then I asked Mr. Moon if he had asked the vet how much it would cost to put me down because honestly, I am lamer than Dolly by far. He laughed but I'm sure he wondered. Look- let's not get sentimental about this shit. Neither dogs nor humans should be allowed to linger on and suffer. I suppose that since I can still make bread and go out and collect the eggs it's not yet time to put me down but that time will come. In Dolly's case, she's not good for anything except throwing up and sometimes pooping in the house so what are we waiting for? 
Okay, okay. I know. Sorry.
But in truth, the dogs are getting old and Buster completely fell off the steps the other day and didn't even miss a beat. He just kept on walking. He's blind as a bat but without the radar. 
I think about what it will be like to live without dogs and I shiver with anticipation. So sue me. 

And that's about it. I did not learn one thing on Facebook today that changed my life and I spent way too much time looking at old Duck Dynasty clips. I am embarrassed to admit how much I love that show due to all of the killing of animals in it but since I am married to a hunter, I can relate. Those people eat what they kill. Mostly. Also, I guess I'm a redneck or at least I do have a fine appreciation of the redneck sensibilities at least as portrayed on Duck Dynasty. There's a little too much of the religion about it for me but there are no visible Confederate flags and one of the guys on the show has adopted a son of mixed race (which they don't really talk about, it's just the way it is) so I do not think they are racist. But they are funny. And they love their mama. Look, we live in a crazy world and I think it's nice to be reminded that food can and does come from the woods and the fields and the waters and that if you eat meat, someone had to kill it and that families can be insane and still loving. Also, that a really poor guy from Louisiana can invent a duck call that ends up making millions. 
A duck call!
You just never know, do you?
Anyway, it is a good yang to balance out the weird yin of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. 
Lord. I should be so ashamed to admit any of this. And yes, I do know that none of it, whether filmed in Louisiana or Beverly Hills is anything like reality. Or maybe it is. I don't really know. I have a hard time determining reality versus what my own mind is making up as it is so there you go.

I hope y'all have a real nice evening. Really. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Ah guilty pleasures.

    Stay off that hip! :-0

  2. I don't know and cannot guess what kind of glorious creature I would become if I could bake a single loaf of bread in this lifetime. I'd have to move and change my name, or at least get a new wardrobe. Maybe an apron. Never have seen Duck Dynasty, but I may not recover from hearing there are millions of dollars in a bird whistle or whatever that thing is. Good golly!

  3. I think "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" is one of the most ironic phrases in the English language. Along with "Reality TV."

    I hope you are taking ibuprofen to temper the inflammatory response in that hip. And for the love of God, stay off it. Have you run out of stuff to read in bed?

    That bread looks gorge, almost like fresh twin babies if you swaddled them up. Even your cooking is all sexy and shit.

    You truly are Wonder Woman.


  4. I saw a woman in my own neighborhood the other day who had so much plastic surgery that I didn't know whether she was eighty years old or forty. She was blonde and incredibly thin, and when she got up from her table at the restaurant and walked out, I noticed that she had the largest buttocks that you've ever seen -- so obviously a buttock implant that it was positively freakish. My point being that those "reality" shows might not be all reality, but there are people out there exactly like those featured.

  5. That bread looks amazing. I can make "fake bread" like banana bread or zucchini bread, which doesn't involve yeast. But real bread I have never made.

    Poor Dolly and Buster! It can be exhausting to live with old, lame dogs. Believe me, I know.

    I wonder if a side-effect of reality TV will be that people cease to be able to distinguish reality? I never thought about that.

  6. Da0n cat has sat 6n 2eyb6eard and t4rned ha3f 6f 0y 3etters 5nt6 n40bers!!! He3*!! n6w what. sh5t. b4gger . . . b6336x.
    th5s 5s rea35ty! x
    can't d6 w6rd ver5fy! tr5ed 6 t50nes n6w

  7. I loved your post so much--I was literally giggling last night when I read it before bad (so, so needed). I can just hear you talk in your written words. Your canine monologues crack me up! It made me think of when you went out of town a year ago and Hank watched the house/dogs and he commented that they'd better not die on your dime and you responded, "You know where the shovel is!" Died laughing over that.
    I am an animal lover and we have had a mobile vet come to our house and husband had shoveled a grave ready, and ooops I'm getting serious now, but you are a good dog mom as well as great wife and your comment to your husband about having the vet inject you too....cracked me up.

  8. Keyboard fixed!
    I did laugh at this post . . yeah, cut out the relaxing shot, what's the point? . . Maybe the vet'll do "buy one get one free" for Dolly and Buster! (plus they'll be more relaxed being together)
    Big campaign here in the UK at present to talk(understand/accept) more about death. It is, after all, inevitable.
    Thanks for a good laugh x

  9. Dang. I remember Pearl, Buster, Dolly, and Zeke all jumping at me and barking not too long ago. Or maybe it was long ago. Over ten years ago to be sort of exact. That's a long time! I remember the Edenfield house, camping in the front yard with Jessie. We'd take strolls around the grounds and she'd say, "watch out for poop". There's one, there's one. It was kind of fun in a way. Is that weird?

    I'm sorry your still hurting. Real Housewives is usually a good cure. Makes me realize how okay I am. I'm just glad I'm not like that...-episode ends, next episode- I've been into Queer Eye for the Straight Guy on Netflix. So freakin' funny!!

  10. How about some physical therapy which is covered by insurance, I believe. It might get you on the right track anyway. Take it easy, Mary. Thinking of you.

  11. Ms. Fleur- Can't stay off it. Impossible.

    Andrea- Baking bread is really not that hard. I guarantee it. You should try it, just for the hell of it. And yes- duck calls. A device that you use to sound like a duck to call ducks in so that you can shoot them. This must have been one hell of a duck call. And they sell a lot of them.

    Invisigal- How can one stay off of a hip? Today was not the day for that. I'm okay. But yes, I'm taking the Ibuprofen. I swear I am. That bread tasted even better than it looked, I think. It may have been my best sourdough ever. But girl, I am NOT Wonder Woman. Wondering woman, maybe.

    Elizabeth- Could she have been that woman named Coco whom Ice Tea is married to? She has ENORMOUS buttocks and is blonde. Odd to think that where you live such people are indeed a reality. On the other hand, where I live, Duck Dynasty-like people are a reality. Isn't this funny?

    Steve- You could make yeasted bread. Seriously. And what IS reality? Not reality TV. That I am sure of.

    Michele R- When we had our old Pearl put down, the vet came here. We appreciated that. Her grave was all ready. Yes. But I'm glad I could amuse you. I really am.

    Bugerlugs- I was going to ask you what in hell was going on with your keyboard! Dang, girl! Glad you figured it out.

    Sweet Melissa- I remember when Queer Eye came out. I loved that show. Yep. You were there when all the dogs were young and happy. You've been our sweet Melissa for a long, long time.

    Syd- That's sort of what I'm doing with this Body Mechanics guy. Or trying, anyway. Good suggestion though as I certainly don't want to just start getting surgeries.

  12. I had to put down a dog and it cost me over 200 dollars! 75 bucks would have been a bargain, especially since he'd just had a 50 dollar haircut. Ugh. LOL!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.