Sunday, March 24, 2013

Oh, Sundays. How I Do Not Love You

We woke up this morning to discover that a train was stopped directly behind the chicken coop and the engine was chugging and breathing and making a huge dragon noise and the chickens were intimidated to the point where they had not even left their perches.
Perhaps a tree had gone down on the tracks, I do not know. But eventually, the all-clear must have sounded because the horn began to sound and the bell to ring and inch by slow inch the train started to roll again and soon picked up speed and was clacking with its familiar sound down the tracks and then, was gone.
Peace restored to Lloyd.
It rained all night long and another thing we woke up to discover was that it was about seventy degrees outside and the humidity must be around 140,000%. Or something close to that. It feels as if we are weighed down by it all, and add that to the pancakes and sausage we just ate and I feel as if my day were already wasted. I am too sluggish and heavy to do a damn thing while meanwhile, those plants in the back of the car are calling to me and this was the weekend I was going to put the potted plants back outside from where they've been wintering in the hallway and mudroom.
Also, I am having some weird visual disturbances and thus, of course, I am certain I am having a stroke and I just love Sundays, they rock my world.

Anyway, good morning and the finches are the feeder are frantic, the males turning yellow right before our eyes. Mr. Moon sat quietly and got a few lovely pictures. He is far more patient than I am.

All right. I think I am having the beginnings of an ocular migraine or something like that so I am not going to write about the great Sidewalk Saga which is an ongoing thing here in Lloyd. The biggest news in years and I have barely mentioned it which is no one's loss, believe me. 

I believe I'll go lie down and see if I'm about to die. I'm fairly sure that I am not but I'll check in later to confirm that. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Is the train "Honey Boo-Boo" close? I grew up in a house that was about 50 feet from a train track. We lost many cats in that house.

    I had to smile a little at your assumption that you are having a stroke. OMG we are cut from the same cloth.

    Humidity makes me feel panicky. Take precious care.

  2. If I were a chicken, I'd be afraid of that chugging train. If I were having visual disturbances....different from my usual small hallucinations...I'd go lie down, too. Rest well.

  3. Oh dear....can I ever relate to visual disturbances....the pits. Hope a nap and a rest takes care of yours.....Please allow yourself to just rest. The plants are less important than Mary!

    And thanks a million to Mr. Moon for those grand photos of your wild finches. I enlarged them full screen size and was almost able to see the sweet little darlings. My pet ones will not be so colorful but just as sweet I think. I may go get them tomorrow, by which time I hope you will be all better.

  4. Oh, god. Don't die. Too many people love and need you. Myself included.

  5. 140% humidity? Damn. That's humid.

    Feel better and save me some pancakes next time.

  6. heartinhand- Since I have not watched that show, I do not know but I imagine that yes, it is that close. I am not sure how it could be closer.

    Denise- It passed. I am fine.

    Lo- So you are going to get finches. I think you will love them. And I love you.

    Birdie- I ain't dying yet. I promise you. I am tough like old leather.

    gradydoctor- There are leftover pancakes. If you do not come and get them, the chickens will eat them. They are hoping you do not make the trip. Ha!

  7. Today was a terribly rainy day that later became beautiful. Many strong storms came through in the early morning hours. And much of downtown was closed due to flooding.

  8. I'm glad the ocular disturbances passed without incident. I love the goldfinch photos!


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