Monday, March 18, 2013

Rainy Days AND Mondays

It's gray and such a denseness that the sun isn't even trying to make an appearance. The chickens looked at me with disbelief as I opened their door and they are generally unfazed by weather, directed by some internal clock to step outside and begin their day but not today, somehow.

Still, there are blooms. Spring may in fact truly be here. One wisteria blossom opened while I was gone and the white violets are scattered everywhere like torn tissue from an angel's pocket.

The train trundles by, car after car, carrying and ferrying whatever it is that trains carry these days. A lot of stuff. After it passes, I can hear the rain which has come that quickly and I am sure the garden is happy. It is falling in curtains now, more gray.

I feel gray. I feel as if I have been living my life in such small dense parameters for a long time. I don't want to do that. I want to stretch and be happy, I want to have goals and to reach for them. I want to lose some of my negativity, my inability to believe in even the smallest of happy endings.

And I have no idea where to begin.

Well. I guess it is noodle day and I am looking forward to that. I haven't seen those grandsons of mine in fortythousandmillion years or maybe six days. Somewhere within that timeframe.

The rain has slackened. It is time to truly begin this day. Vacation is over, the laundry done and put away, everything back in its place. I have grandsons to see and decisions to make and a one-year-old birthday present to buy. I have a life to live and it is Monday and although it is gray, the wisteria is doing its magical alchemy, the bamboo waits beneath the earth to begin its annual piercing of the ground, the purple violets will be next to bloom here in this yard, the sun will shine again and despair is merely a feeling that will pass.

Good morning.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. overcast here too. no violets or wisteria at the country house. I'll have to do something about that.

  2. The sky is clear here in northern Alberta. It's -21C (-6F) so spring seems like a far off thing that will never come.

    I'm glad you are home safe and sound and happy that you'll be having noodles and baby love today.

  3. Overcast and blah here too. I walked through snow to the train station this morning. Gross.

  4. Hooray for Noodle Day! And pretty soon it will be time for the annual Kick the Bamboo Festival. I'd buy a tshirt for either of those events and I'm not kidding!

  5. This is a lovely post -- it made me feel quiet and peaceful. Above all, I'm imagining what a beautiful thing it is to have been alive for only one year. The newness of that, the promise, the blessed one year of life.

  6. I so like these grey overcast days. The light is so soft. Anyway, I don't feel gray on the inside but just tired. Still really tired.

  7. the sad will pass. it will pass. i promise. i love you.

  8. I am sure to your grandbaby that seeing you is a birthday present every-single-time. You are an awesome, fabulous grandma.

  9. still snowing in michigan....i can share some with all y'all if you like.


  10. Ellen Abbott- Wisteria is so invasive but I love it anyway.

    heartinhand- And I am wishing warmer breezes for you very soon.

    SJ- Oh god. How do you do it?

    Jill- I should get Hank to make me some.

    ain't for city gals- What else can you do?

    Elizabeth- You are right. He is still so shiny and fresh, that boy. And his kisses are perfection without any doubt.

    Syd- I'm still tired too. Does this last forever?

    Angella- I know it will pass. I am glad you love me. I love you too.

    Nicol- Some days I am a better grandmother than others. This is the truth.

    Mrs. A- Thank you for your generous offer but...uh, no thanks.

  11. The trouble with vacations is that when they are over and you come back, it's all still there, isn't it?

  12. White violets?! I have never seen white violets. Kind of a contradiction in terms, actually.

  13. I'm days behind reading, and I'm getting so many lovely images in one day I almost feel guilty. So many lovely words too. I think I know what you mean about feeling gray, about wishing to me more about light and happiness and hope instead of grim realities and portents of aches and pains and miseries to come. Life is hard for the open minded and open hearted. We will never get to be happy idiots, will we?
    I'm happy for your visions of Spring, it is sorely needed in my gray blustery day.
    Hope the noodles were as wonderful as your company.

  14. Anonymous- It's sad but true.

    Steve- I know! And yet, there are indeed white violets.

    Mel- Oh! Now I only want to grow up to be a happy idiot! Another T-shirt I wish I had.

  15. Happy Birthday dear little Gibson, cannot believe that year flew by so fast!!!


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