Thursday, March 21, 2013

Did It!

 Good Lord. 
This boy made it through his birthday.

Despite that fact that there was complete chaos and kids running around everywhere and vegetarians, vegans, and omnivores all there to be served and hot dogs to be cut up for little ones and babies dumping food in their laps and big boys demanding ketchup, NO ketchup, and Gibson's immediate reaction to being photographed like Lindsey Lohan and everyone singing terribly off-key to him and a cake being thrust into his face, he cheered right up when he tasted the cake and when he got to the ice cream part, he was happy as could  be.

It was crazy, y'all. But it was good. 
Gibson made it through and so did everyone else. 

Here's my very favorite picture of the event.

I'm sure you understand why.

Anyway, a one-year-old and a three-and-a-half year old are about to descend upon me and we shall see if Mer-Mer survives that. 

Good morning, y'all. It looks to be a decent day here in Lloyd and forgive me for blogging lite and not answering comments and not getting around to everyone else's blogs. I'm dancing as fast as I can with a bum hip and a crazy mind.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. This is what it's about. Enjoy those fine sweet boys!

  2. Glad you all survived the birthday! Enjoy your day!

  3. I love that Gibson's high chair was decorated with a 1 yr old banner -- how cool is that. And I do understand why Mr Moon with Gibson was your favorite picture -- your boys!! And that you write at all when you are feeling how you are feeling makes us love you all the more. I hope you enjoy your babies and that your hip survives the day. S, Jo

  4. It does look insane and terribly fun, too. And I love the photo of Mr. Moon and Gibson -- I haven't seen that many photos of Gibson's daddy, but I think he looks exactly like him. Am I right?

  5. That first picture does look like a celebrity caught on camera. A kind of, "what the heck, how did you get in here?" expression. From what I've read, it sounds like a great birthday party. Happy Birthday, Gibson!

  6. That boy looks so much like his daddy that it's comical. He's a (newly-)walking time capsule in reverse!

  7. big man + little boy = extremely cute!

  8. I have a friend whose one year old daughter had never had a doughnut before. She put the doughnut and a piece of fruit on the same tray and the kid went immediately for the doughnut. Love at first bite. How do they know?! The picture of Gibson with the cake reminded me of that. Love it.

  9. Aww, Happy 1st Birthday, little Gib!

  10. Angella- Aren't they gorgeous?

    Heartinhand- Did and done! Yay!

    Sweet Jo- I am so blessed in my boys and my men. My son, my son-in-laws, my grandsons, my husband. All of them fine and dear and wonderful.

    Elizabeth- Almost exactly although sometimes I see Baby Lily in him so very strongly.

    Melissa Kaye- It was a crazy party. I think that all of them from here on out need to be held in the park.
    But yes, it was fun.

    Anonymous- It's true.

    lulumarie- Did you have a good time at the party? How were our cabins? Still lovely?

    Rachel- Owen had never had cake when his first birthday rolled around and he didn't like it so much. Gibson, however, eats everything and loves everything. Second child. The rules get very relaxed.

    Nancy- Thanks, honey.

    Gradydoctor- He surely is! And he's rocking it.

  11. Gibson and my wife's birthday are one day apart. How cool is that? He has the greatest smile.

  12. How did I miss this most excellent post? A belated Happy Birthday to Gibson!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.