Tuesday, October 2, 2012


 Ah. It is finally a tiny bit cooler today. Not as humid. But boy, it is busy in downtown Lloyd. (This is a joke. There is no downtown Lloyd. Once some people were visiting and the woman asked me where Lloyd actually was. I gestured to the window- "You're looking at it.") Not only are they paving Highway 59 which is about a block from my house and which stretches from Highway 27 to Highway 90 (why am I telling you this? you have no idea what I'm talking about nor should you) but they are also trimming the tree lines which means that I have downed branches in my front yard. Are they going to come and pick them up? Surely they don't expect ME to do that. Good Lord! And it stinks of tar and big truck exhaust and yet, it's not so bad. It's just a different sort of day here.

The chickens have found their way into the part of the back yard which is officially fenced and designated for Buster and Dolly, the dogs. If this had happened even a year ago, there would have been attempted slaughter but now Buster and Dolly are old and mostly blind so the chickens are safe enough, scratching through the pecan leaves in the moist dirt. I can hear them talking about it all as they go about their work. I have said it before and I will say it again- there is nothing so soothing as chickens.

Elvis looks good with that Chenille Plant, doesn't he? Let me just say this about the Chenille Plant- it is an invasive. Don't plant it. It'll take over your yard. Actually, the chickens have helped me keep it under control and I am grateful to them for that.

Here's Miss Bob.

She and Miss Mabel are my only two original hens. Elvis is the original rooster. Well, I guess Sam was the original rooster but he was mean and we cooked and ate him. Too bad for Sam.

Here's that snake plant.

Also the giant begonia and a fern. 
Shit. I just looked up snake plant and that's not a snake plant. It's a Mother-In-Law Tongue. Huh. Whatever. They are almost impossible to kill, I hear. Hurray! 

When Mr. Moon and I were on Dog Island and taking our two and a half hour walk, we came across this bit of driftwood, hollowed out and barnacled.

Mr. Moon drilled a hole in it and I put a tiny bottle in it and now it's a rooter. Of sorts. Maybe more of a vase. That bottle is pretty small.

And lastly, as to pictures at least, here's a sweet potato that started growing on its own and an avocado seed which will hopefully sprout.

I have no idea why I'm sprouting that damn thing. I already have two completely worthless (albeit pretty) avocado plants in pots already, one of them about three feet tall. Maybe I'll put it in a pot and give it to Owen. He might like it. He helped me stick the toothpicks in the seed. 

So that's what's happening at my house today. Not much. The light is gorgeous and it's still early enough in fall that there is plenty of green to filter it. So, okay. One more picture. The elephant ears with the sun refining and defining their green. 

That's all I've got. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. I helped my uncle make a potato clock once. It looked something like your sprouting sweet potato, but a little more Frankenstein.
    I just looked up Lloyd and is says there's a railroad depot (now the post office), a chapel and a 19th Century writer who was born there. And of course you and your chickens which in my opinion is the best and only part of Lloyd I know.

  2. Stephanie- It's a pretty day.

    Rachel- The chapel used to be in my yard. A long while back. It's now in Tallahassee. The Episcopalians moved it when there were no more Episcopalians in Lloyd. I don't know about the writer although Connie May Fowler used to live in this house and used it in her last book. That post office in the train depot is where I get my mail.

  3. Hmm... Fowler is my family's name. One wonders, doesn't one?

  4. It's a sansavieira, thanks for the warning about chenille plant, and once again you make me want chickens.

  5. Nancy- One never knows.

    NOLA- Chenille plant would probably take over in NOLA too. Chickens are mighty fine.

  6. Thank you for the flora tour. I have my petite gardens pretty much the way I want them now. And I planted more honeysuckle to lure hummingbirds.
    The front yard awaits. It's a teeny postage stamp, too.

  7. I love posts like this. Sometimes day to day life is the most interesting thing of all to read about. Especially when there are lots of pictures too!

    I think snake plant and mother-in-law's-tongue are the same thing. We always used the names interchangeably.

    Speaking of being invasive, don't put that snake plant directly in the ground. They really DO take over. At least the chenille plant blooms!

  8. I saw that picture of the snake plant and thought "hey, that looks like a mother's tongue". Then I kept reading. I have heard the mother-in-law thing but I've always called it a mother's tongue. This is LITERALLY the ONLY plant I have in my house. And yes, it is impossible to kill - trust me there is a reason it is the only plant I have - the rest are dead. I even dropped something on the damn thing last night and I'm sure it'll survive (although I did apologize to it!)

  9. Denise- Teeny-tiny can be wonderful! A sort of miniature garden of eden where you can control every blade, every leaf.

    Steve- The chenille plant seems to attach itself to the earth in a way that makes it impossible to pull up completely. It's voracious in its appetite for ground.

    Jill- Yeah. That's what I hear.

  10. looks like a beautiful day in Lloyd.

  11. I would kill for some chickens (my Dad had some whilst I was growing up) but I really shouldn't be allowed near anymore animals.

    I really am going to be one of *those* people when I'm older!

  12. Ha! Your sweet potato looks like somebody's got a gun on him. Don't shoot!

  13. Ellen- It truly was.

    Wayne- Why shouldn't you be allowed near animals? Is there something you need to tell us, dear?

    Nancy- You're right! Good eye!

  14. Great idea on the planter! I like finds like that.


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