Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One Of The Reasons I Love My Son

Hank called me today and I told him that I'd dreamed of Keith Richards again last night. "He has become a totem to me, I believe," I said.

"There are worse spirit animals you could have," said Hank.


  1. I love your relationships with your daughters and your son. So, so special on so, so many levels.

  2. Cool picture and short story. :-)

  3. I understand. I feel that way about Dan Bock.

  4. Gradydoctor- Hank makes me laugh so hard.
    All my kids do, truthfully, each in their own way.

    Nicol- I think that was probably a much younger Keith. I liked the picture, though.

    DTG- I took you perfectly seriously.

    Juancho- Who is Dan Bock?

  5. Huh. Once I watched Keith's face on an IMAX screen, and while it was slightly terrifying, it was also very sexy. I get it.

  6. hahahahahahahahahahaha! o gawd I love you. And Keith, if he could meet you, he'd leave Patty Hansen in a heartbeat for one of your martinis. But Mr Moon would miss you.

    XX Beth

  7. O yes! I don't fancy many, if any, men (since the onset of the Men-pause) but I'm pretty sure he could find my long lost libido for me . . . O yes! x

  8. Denise- Thanks! I slept very well.

    Elizabeth- I want to see his face on IMAX! Damn!

    Beth Coyote- Are you kidding me? Have you seen Patty Hansen? I bet she can make a martini too. I asked Hank if he thought that Keith has an entire wing of his house filled with nothing but vodka.

    Bugerlug- Men-pause. Ha!

    Maggie May- I could do worse!

  9. He intrigues me too. Such a deep character.

  10. I'm ashamed, but I just Googled Keith Richards to see who he is. And then I was like, Oh yeah, the Stones, Rock & Roll, baby! ... yeah, I pretty much don't know nothin' about him. :(

  11. Juancho- That was Dan Blocker. But somehow, I knew who you meant.

    Wayne- If you like autobiography, read his.

    Nancy- I never really gave much thought to Keith until I read his autobiography at which point I became obsessed. I admit it.

  12. I had a dream Dylan and I were hanging out together last night. How weird is that?

  13. Syd- It means you and I are brother and sister. Or something.


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