Monday, October 1, 2012

Maybe, Baby

The weather is so odd this morning. Still, and then sudden gusts and it looks like we're about to get a huge storm and then it passes. Steamy. Jungle weather. Not pleasant for walking. Almost...intolerable.

Oh well. That part of the day is done. And quite frankly, I feel that way too. Done. Which is sad in that I've only been up for three hours. However, I do believe that I'm going to pull up my big girl panties after a shower and head to the Big Library because the branch library is closed. I need to return that Russell Bank's novel which I finished listening to last night. Sadly. And maybe do a little birthday shopping for a friend. Maybe. I might actually go to town tomorrow night for a covered-dish birthday celebration. Oh god. Maybe.

And guess what? Next Saturday I am going to the beach for a week! Yep. I have rented a funky-ish apartment right on the Gulf on St. George Island and all of the kids are coming down at various times and it's going to be fun. This time next week I'll be posting from SGI. There's a little deck and I plan to spend all of my time either walking the beach, swimming in the Gulf, sitting on that deck, or taking naps.
Okay. I'll probably do more than that.
But if I don't, that will be just fine.

I'm already laying awake at night worrying about what to take. Which is ridiculous. There's a huge grocery store on the island now, unlike back in the olden days when I stayed there. Back then, there was The Blue Store which is where we bought chips and limes and the kids got candy and I got beer. Now you can even buy produce on the island. Plus, we can drive in and go to the store in Apalachicola. Plus, there's restaurants. This is NOT Dog Island.

I think there may even be a TV.


Anyway, I better get moving again before inertia completely takes over and I fall over.

God this is a boring blog post. Maybe something will happen in town to nurture a rant. Or something.



Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.