Friday, September 1, 2017

Lloyd This Morning

Spider web after a night of rain.

And suddenly, the hurricane lilies shoot up. 

Chickens at their scratch. 

Happy Friday.

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. Look at that spider's web! You certainly were right about the timing of the hurricane lilies.

    1. I should know when they're about to sprout by now!

  2. I was told about your blog by a friend last week. We reconnected after too many years. I recently started my own Diary of a Nature Lover and have been finding so much inspiration--and now I'll have the anticipation of reading yours. A new Simple Pleasure. And I have my old/new friend to thank!

    1. Well I'm so glad you're here! I have given your blog a look and put it in my feed. I think we have much in common. We are a good community here. Welcome.

  3. Replies
    1. Isn't it amazing? Hank says that it looks like Arabic writing. For all I know, it could be.


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