Tuesday, December 2, 2014

In My Defense

Okay. First of all, Rusty is the fluffiest kitten in the entire world. Which means you really have to get in there and part the masses of fluff to see anything in the butt and genital area. Secondly, when I first checked him, he was still being incredibly skittish and had NO DESIRE to have his butt and genital area checked. Thirdly, one of his testicles (and how big is a six-week-old kitten's balls, anyway?) hasn't even descended.
So. I looked briefly. Thought I saw what looked like female equipment to me and never checked again.

But yeah. I should have.


  1. I would like to have a picture of you checking a feral kitten's butt.

  2. You deserve an award for checking at all! Is that when he scratched your hand to hell?

  3. You know I never figured it out and I have handled a good few kittens. Whatever the supposed gender - and I am not entirely dense - I never see what is what.

  4. Our daughter and her family have two cats....Kylee, who they found out when they took 'her' to be spayed was a 'he,' and Max, who my son-in-law brought home swearing he was a male, but who is actually a female. So, yeah, I have a male grandkitty named Kylee and a female grandkitty named Max.

  5. Who worries about gender anymore? Wink wink!

  6. I guess he won't have either of them too much longer anyway, so it's all moot :)

  7. The cat is not offended. He doesn't give a shit. Let it go.

  8. I would like to see a video of your checking the hairy kitten's butt. LOL


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.