Monday, August 1, 2016

A Journal Entry

I got some stuff done today. Two bed's worth of clean sheets, went to Costco and Publix with Lily and the young'uns because it was too stormy to go to the river. And I finally picked the peas and beans and a few okra too.

I swear- every time I pick the green beans, those sturdy, prolific rattlesnake beans, I think that this will be the last gleaning I get. 
And then I am surprised again. 

That's a lousy picture. I'm sorry. I'm too tired to worry about it. 

I had a good time with Lily and the boys, of course. Costco is always a good time. Lily wore Maggie in her sling and every time I looked at her, she was grinning. Maggie, that is. It was a pretty good day of sampling at the old Costco. We had cheese and turkey on bread and veggie straws and applesauce and there was sausage and, oh hell. I can't even remember. As I said a few days ago, Owen has started doing a thing where he carefully puts each of his samples on its brown paper napkin in the cart and saves them for the ride home. He did this again today. I am not sure what this is about but at least he's learning about delayed gratification. It even took him awhile to eat his snacks on the ride home which drove Gibson crazy. TELL HIM TO EAT HIS SNACKS! Gibson demanded of his mother. 
"They're his snacks. He can eat them when he wants," his mama said. 

Owen savoring the heavenly aroma of his chicken sausage in anticipation of eating it, at some point. 

We went to Publix, too, the one where Lily works and I swear to god- we both had to stop and talk to people for many moments at a time. Lily is beloved at that Publix and everyone wants to see her newest child and trash-talk a little bit with the boys whom they have known since they were babies, both staff and customers. We saw Miss Judy, whom I have become good friends with and when we hugged, Owen said, "What? Do you know Judy too? Do you love her too?"
"Yes," I said. "I do know Judy and I love her."
Judy gave me another squeeze. 
"And I love her too," said Judy.
Owen was amazed. 
His worlds were colliding. 
Another thing which happened in Publix was that Gibson decided to pull up my dress while I was talking to another old friend, exposing body parts which I normally do not expose in Publix or public either, for that matter.  
"Gibson!" I said, ushering him out from under my dress. "What are you doing?"
"At least you were wearing those nice black underwear," said Lily later when we were discussing the event. 
This is true. 

And so it went and Monday is the day that Mr. Moon may or may not go to auction which means that I may or may not need to cook his dinner and that may sound silly but it's a real thing for me and it wasn't until almost five today that he decided that he would be going, having gotten an order for a car which he can bid on tomorrow. This all involves phone calls and computer auction website research and then, if he's going, a rental car and an Uber trip to pick it up and then he comes home and packs and I make his snack bag and giant bowl of popcorn and we do a quick catch-up of the day and then we kiss and I tell him to let me know when he gets there and to drive safely and that I love him and so forth and then he leaves. 
In today's snack bag he got, along with his usual stuff, a sandwich and a baggie filled with fresh cut cantaloupe because by the time he gets to Orlando, it'll be too late to get supper. 

Another day and I'm tired, exhausted, and I need to go clean up the kitchen from the snack-bag preparation and I need to make myself something for supper, I suppose. After all of that shopping and garden-picking and the egg-gathering I've done today, I don't really have one damn thing I want to eat. 
Ain't that the way? 

Time to put the chickens up. 

Love...Ms. Moon


  1. My mom was a cashier for 27 years at the same store. I was 6 when she started and going shopping took forevvvvvvvvvvver. Hours. We had to stop and talk to every single person. All the staff, cashiers, bosses, deli clerk, meat cutters, bakers... Then came the customers who *had* to talk to her. And she knew them all by name! And... and by their Co-op member number! She was like the Grocery Store God. I loved it. :-)

    1. We often go to a different store just because we don't have the time to talk to everyone...

  2. This reminds me that I am cooking my back eyed peas for my big 60th party Saturday! Almost 70 people Mary! I am sick to my stomach and excited at the same time. I too was at Costco today but Trader Joes was better for the wine and stuff I needed. I'm having a potluck cause I can't really handle the whole thing. Anyway, Owen reminds me of me at one stage of my life with saving up food. The kids are always cute.

    1. Happy birthday, Joanne! I hope those peas are good and I think a potluck is the very best idea.

  3. Good night sweet Mary. I'm all caught up now.

    1. Well, that's a part of your life you'll never get back.
      I am so glad you're back and safe and sound. But I sure am glad you got to go. What beautiful pictures you posted!

  4. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm green beaned out! We had four rows, and between eating them ourselves, we've given away a bazillion. My mama always canned green beans, and they were so good in the winter time when everyone else was buying theirs at the IGA. But, alas! I'm terrified of pressure cookers, so I can't can them myself. I hear the new tangled ones are nice, but I remember having to tip toe across the kitchen floor while that thing jiggled and spit on the stove.

    1. I don't have a pressure canner but I surely could have pickled some green beans. I don't know. I'm just not in the mood to can and pickle these days.
      One time I was cooking black soybeans in my pressure cooker and it blew. Let me just say- what a fucking mess.

  5. I read an article that one of the founders of Publix has donated nearly $1 million dollars to the lobbying group that is trying to prevent Florida from getting even a medical marijuana law. Oy vey. I'd say boycott Publix, but I forgot that Lily works there. I have so much to catch up on with your blog and will do so pronto. I've missed visiting here every morning and evening.

    1. No way I can boycott Publix. Lily AND Jason work there and there's no real alternative. Must be a Publix founder's child. George Jenkins has been dead a long time. And even the "child" must be ancient.

  6. Oh lord, my older sister used to hoard anything she could to save for later with the sole purpose of irritating me. I have vivid memories of going out to pizza (a once a year event) and her slowing eating her pizza and sipping her pop so that she was the last. I still get irritated thinking about it :) She of course still claims that she wasn't trying to irritate me, but rather was just enjoying her dinner. Yeah right! Your Owen story reminded me of that. And poor Gibson reminded me of myself!!

    1. I honestly don't know why Owen is doing this. He likes to take home half his food from when we go out to eat, too, for his supper. Just in case his mother cooks something he doesn't like. It's interesting. The reaction he gets from Gibson may be further incentive, though.

  7. So yesterday was so grey and rainy and depressing that I decided to make Shepherd's pie for myself, but then I was too apathetic and PMSy and I ended up eating popcorn and supermarket Tiramisu. I hope I do better today.

    Gibson... oh man. I love the underwear comment. It's true, I guess, if you're going to flash people non-consentually, it's good to do so in nice underwear.

    Show Gibson the cookie monster and Tom Hiddleston clip about delayed gratification. Him and me both.

    1. Ooh...shepherd's pie. I always forget about that. I need to make it more often.
      We could all use a little more delayed gratification in our lives, couldn't we?

    2. Well, if it's dished up by Tom Hiddleston, cookie-dom of my soul, I'll take it!

    3. Ooh...shepherd's pie. I always forget about that. I need to make it more often.
      We could all use a little more delayed gratification in our lives, couldn't we?


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.