Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What? More Chickens You Say? No Problem

Miss Betty, sitting on the nest. My first time to see her there. And now I know her eggs are brown.

Miss Bob, thinking about sitting on a nest.

Sam. And I have no idea why he's with the hens near the nests. But he is. Keeping an eye on things, I suppose. Either that or he loves Miss Bob so much he can't bear to let her out of his sight.


And now I am as clean and scrubbed as if I were going to be the one examined on the table today myself. I actually have a bag packed with a book and a magazine, knitting, toothbrush, a spare dress, just in case we get into that hospital and stay there.
I am nervous, I have to tell you.

And I have to tell you this, too- as I have always said, my children have been my greatest teachers and I have a feeling I am about to learn one of the most important lessons of my life. Even if Owen doesn't come today or get started, even, on that path, I am about to learn it and soon.
And I feel so humbled.


  1. I LOVED packing the bag, heading off to the hospital and knowing THIS IS IT!!! Whether it was for myself or a sister or a friend. It's the most exciting-hold your breath-things will never be the same again moment.

    oooh, I sure am envious. I suspect it will be quite a while before I get to have that moment again. It sure is something special.

    But you already know that

    Most of the women I know didn't want their mothers any where NEAR them when they were giving birth. That includes me. It wasn't even a consideration. I hope that am blessed enough to have the kind of closeness with my Mia that you have with your daughters. You are a lucky lady, Ms. Moon.

    But you already know that, too

  2. Thanks for the lovely chicken pictures.

    Wishing the best for you and your family. And Amen to our children teaching us - who knew?

  3. Miss Bob? What's up with that shit? That's a bit conflicting. How about Roberta?


  4. Oh, boy. My pulse just went up thinking about it. I just love you all so much.

  5. Here I am lighting candles like an idiot to make sure Owen lands safely on the runway, healthy and happy and for the rest of you to be in awe, joy, and that special falling in love with him that is going to make your hearts sing. BTW, for future reference: nothing that you ask me is ever out of line.

  6. Glad you're all packed and ready to go! So exciting!

    Well, you discovered one thing about the chicken and which egg. You think some of them are going to hatch their eggs?

  7. waiting waiting waiting waiting WAITING WAITING WAITING!

  8. I hope Owen makes his appearance soon! He's making us all a bit antsy.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Checking in from on the road - had to see if Mr. Owen was here! Soon enough, soon enough.

    Don't forget to put that Macbook in the bag ;)

  11. I am so excited for you. For you all. Hoping everything goes well and can't wait to hear the news. Thinking of you. Lots of love x

  12. Thinking of you, Lily, Jason, and little Owen. Good luck!

  13. Just read your son's message. Best wishes to all of you!

  14. I'm getting so anxious over here, and man, if I'M anxious...

    So excited!

  15. Thinking good thought for you and your family Ms. Moon.

    Love the new hen. Miss Betty is gorgeous.

  16. Michelle- Well, as you probably know by now, me and my bag are home. Ah yah. I'll pack it again on Friday. And yes, I have thought so much about how grateful and amazed I am that Lily wants me around and involved. THAT means everything to me. I'm sure your Mia will want you, too.

    Mel- Thank-you, thank-you!

    Ms. Bastard- Well, I had an Aunt Bill and I actually KNOW a Miss Bob. She is an old lady who works at the local Christian Girls School Thriftshop where I have gotten so many treasures. She's full of the Lord but I don't make fun of her. She's a tough old bird. Which makes it appropriate for my chicken!

    Kori- And we love you too.

    Ms. Allegra- I had a feeling about the not offending you thing. I can tell you're very, very open and very, very honest. And you're a candle-lighter too? Oh, welcome to the Church of the Batshit Crazy! Thank-you.

    Joy- They won't hatch them unless they are (a)fertilized, and (b) I don't steal them and eat them! If we want new babies someday, I'll let one of them sit on a nest. But for now- I have plenty of chickens. But oh, it would be fun to have our own little peeps.

    DTG- Simma down, boy.

    Marsha- Tell me about it.

    SJ- No Macbook in the bag. Sorry. Maybe I can post from Jessie's ITouch.

    Ms. Lilac- Thank-you, sweetie. So much.

    Ginger- Kisses. I mean it.

    Mwa- We're such a tight family. I swear. I think I'd be so happy if all the kids just lived out here in separate cabins or something. Ah me.

    Aunt Becky- As I was when you were about to have your darling daughter.

    Kyle- Thank-you, sweet man! Betty's not new. I'd just never seen her on the nest before. She's one of my favorites but don't tell the others I said that.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.