Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Adios, Y'all

Just for fun, go back and check this out:


Then, read this:


Did that Glenn Beck quoting nutcase know about this? Why didn't I know about this?

Mexico? Our poor little neighbor to the south? Decent medical care for $250 a year?
Jesus Christ.

What is wrong with our country?

I swear, if I didn't have four kids and a grandchild on the way, I'd be moving a little bit farther south.


  1. I would So adios with you, senora! See, we could get by; my dad always told me that the only things oyu REALLY need to know how to say in any foreign language are the swear words, no, and where are the toilets? WE would be healthy and happy and tanned, would we not?

  2. You just about gave me a heart attack when you said Adios. Nevermind.

    Yes, the rest of the poor un-American nations manage to do this. I hope you catch up soon.

  3. I swear, rich white idiots will run us into the ground yet, just because they can. And they'll go down praising their achievement of avoiding 'socialized medicine.' So sad.
    If I can find a colder climate with healthcare like Mexico, I may consider a move. I'm Norwegian, maybe I'll look into Norway's health care. I've heard Denmark has some pretty good options, like a year of maternity leave? Paid???

  4. I've always said if it weren't for BabyGirl's grandparents, we'd be somewhere else too.
    But, short of the greedy idiots, I also really like it here. It's tough to be such a big country with so many different cultures and spaces; we really have lost touch with community. With basic compassion.

  5. It's amazing how Americans continue to fall for the "socialized medicine" horror stories while their own go bankrupt or die all around them. Sheesh. If they'd only open their eyes a bit rather than listening to propaganda.

    What amazes me is that we're supposed to be one of the most powerful countries on earth, but yet health care isn't a "right". Other industrialized countries had this figured out eons ago. We may be the only ones left who haven't, yet we're egotistical or stupid enough, I don't know which, to believe we must have the best system already.

    I don't comprehend social masses at all.

  6. Kori- Si, Senorita! (I'm already ready by your father's definition.)

    Mwa- Your lips to God's ear.

    Rachel- Canada? Closer than Denmark.

    Magnum- Yeah, it's okay to spend trillions on a war that no one knows why we're fighting or to what ends, but on health care for the citizens of the country? Nah.

    Marsha- Me either.

  7. Ok, ya'll I was waiting for just the right moment... If anyone out there would love to have the lovely and talented Ms Moon as their very own neighbor, contact me. We are moving to Mexico!

  8. PS.. No offense ms moon. you know we LOVE being your neighbor,but we are getting old and need the benes! Besides, then we can come back and visit you in Lloyd, and you'll have a hacienda waiting for you in Mexico! :-p

  9. I want to be French. They like huffy, ill-tempered people over there, and they have good wine, cheese, and socialized healthcare.

  10. Ms. Fleur- works for me.

    Ms. Bastard- that works for me too.

  11. i'll have me a margarita and a mammogram!

  12. Adrienne- And a shot of tequila would certainly help to relax while in the stirrups for a Pap.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.