Saturday, September 19, 2009

Broody Hens

Damn blogger. The icon to click on to download pictures is hazy and won't work. I see in the help section that I'm not the only person having this problem so maybe they'll fix it or maybe they won't and I'll have to change blog hosts. I hope not. I'm way too lazy for that shit.

It's Saturday morning and something on the other side of the train tracks is beeping. Beep-beep-beep-pause. Beep-beep-beep-pause. It is driving me insane because it's a beautiful day and there are birds and sun and yet, that beeping will not stop. I may have to find my machete, go out and find the source and cut it down. I hope not. I'm way too lazy for THAT shit, too.

Yes it's Saturday morning and we went to the Opera House last night to see Fiddler on the Roof and it was an amazing production. Forty-six people in that cast, including a bunch of young'uns and I have to give credit where credit is due to the woman who directed. Here's part of her bio:

"XXXXXXX was a professional actor/singer/dancer/musician/choreographer/model in theater, TV, radio, and print."

This woman is also a professional anything you might imagine including crocheter. Just ask her. She'll tell you. She pissed me off one time concerning a piece I wrote at her request for a newsletter and I, in my shriveled little soul, have never forgiven her. This is my problem, not hers, and I give her full props for everything she did with that production. It was amazing. The acting was great, the music was terrific, the staging was awesome and somehow she managed to wrangle all those people into their places, dancing singing, in great costumes and with some awesome special effects. What can I say? It was a smash hit. And THERE IS ONLY ONE BATHROOM BACKSTAGE AT THE OPERA HOUSE!
Really, it was miraculously good.

Kathleen had resisted and resisted being onstage. She, like me, loves the whole camaraderie which springs up during a production and the whole creative process but the actual performances are not her favorite part. But dammit, she was GREAT! Whenever you try to praise her, though, she puts her fingers in her ears and goes, "Lalalalala."
Too bad. Kathleen, you were GREAT!
And Herb was wonderful and so was Rich and the whole cast, which included people from the age of eight to eighty-eight was just brilliant.

Now, having said all of that, let me say that I don't really like musical theater, the play lasted three and a half hours and those seats are not very comfortable. I sat between Mr. Moon and Kathleen's best friend of fifty years (I am not making that up) who was in town from Indiana (I think) just for performances this weekend. Every time Kathleen came onstage, we both made little squeals of pleasure and when she was done with each bit of dialogue, we silently clapped our hands.

That beeping is still going on, by the way. And obviously I figured out the image thing. I had to click a box that said I agreed to the new terms of service.

Click. I have no idea what I agreed to.

Anyway, it's Saturday, like I said, and there's a picture of Mabel in the nesting box with two eggs. I feel certain she only laid one of them. I think she may be a broody hen, which means she likes to sit on eggs.

I feel like a broody hen myself. Not that I want to sit on eggs but I am brooding. It struck me this morning that perhaps Mr. Moon has a girlfriend. As evidence, I offer the fact that he is tall, handsome and sane and I, on the other hand, am short, round and getting crazier by the moment.


Mr. Moon can't hear the beeps because his hearing is shot from years working in a tire store and hunting so it's not bothering him.

I am bothering him, though. I can tell.

Marriage is funny. One minute you're feeling like there has never been a love greater than yours and the next minute you're taking the fact that your husband keeps asking you to get rid of the spiders that keep making webs where he walks as evidence of him having a girlfriend.

I wouldn't blame him. Besides being short and round, I have a lame foot. Listen- Mr. Moon is sentimental about some things, but if he had a horse with a lame foot, he'd put that animal DOWN.

I am not an animal, though.
Wait a minute, I am an animal.

I guess I better get rid of those spiders. It's not so much to ask, really. And maybe if I do he'll break up with his girlfriend.


Happy Saturday.


  1. Uh. Enough of the lame horse thing!

    It's the snoring and noisy masticating that get to me. I make my husband deal with the spiders, and he's nearly as phobic as I am.

  2. Ms. Jo- Mr. Moon snores but I like it.

  3. You did a good job with that beeping, because it nearly drove me crazy. You are so funny, Mama! Describing you as short, round, and with a lame foot is a laff riot. But crazy? If you think Daddy has a girlfriend other than you, you are crazy. The girls would kill him. Ha Ha! He's probably just cranky because his bones hurt from sitting in those little chairs last night. Three hours? Jeez. That's how I felt after I saw Harry Potter. Hank was like, "Did you like it?" and I was all, "No. Why are there so many spiders here? You know I walk here! Why do you let them make webs right where I walk?!" Okay, I didn't say that spiders part, but I would have. I was a cranky bitch.
    Anyway, I love you.

  4. May- The beeping has finally ended. I got rid of some of the spiders but they are already building new webs. Damn them.
    And I think Lily would beat the dad up if she found out he had a girlfriend. That girl doesn't tolerate nonsense.
    I love you too.

  5. I laughed out loud when you said Mr Moon maybe had a girlfriend ;) I know that's not a funny thought but it is because it's not remotely true and you know it and he knows it and its just that kind of day. Beep beep.

  6. I was totally thinking before I read the comments that if dad had a girlfriend he would be in such big trouble. I don't know about you, but I would break-up with him as my dad. That may be harsh but it would teach him a lesson! Then he would have to break up with his girlfriend, buy you a house in Mexico, and buy me a black Sting Ray Corvette with pink race stripes. Then we would all take him back. Maybe it would be worth it for him to have a girlfriend for a little while. Just kidding, love you.

  7. I have had those days myself, and I have no words for you.

  8. SJ- I know. But he was pretty upset about the spiders.

    Lily- That's hysterical. Hmmmm. It's a thought.
    Love you, too. And by the way-YOU are the broody hen. Sitting on that egg.

    Kori- It's okay. It's just a funny kind of day. Now that the beeping has stopped, I'm fine.

  9. I'm glad that the beeping stopped. I wonder if one of the neighbors went down to the tracts and took an ax to it before you could. And no, Daddy does not have any girlfriend other than you. And you are not short and round, but you can be a bit ridiculous at times.
    Love you Ma!

  10. I'm glad you wrote about the pictures and blogger. I kept trying last night and might not have noticed the terms part. Thank you! I agreed to whatever it was, too, and then downloaded a picture.

    I know someone like your expert on everything and get how you feel.

    Now I know one of the many reasons I'm not married. Snoring drives me crazy!

  11. Yeah, short and round didn't really cut it with me either. I know my short and round.

    Mind you, everyday with Mr Moon must feel like a short day. As it were.

  12. HoneyLuna- I know. I'm just being silly. Sometimes the mind goes into crazy places. Well. Mine does.
    I love you!

    Joy- Glad it wasn't just me. I talked to DownTown Guy and he said he only figured it out yesterday so I don't feel too bad.
    And if Mr. Moon and I were really bothered by snoring, we'd have been in separate bedrooms years ago.

    Ms. Jo- When I am around Mr. Moon and his offspring, I feel like a mushroom.

  13. Babes has a new set of friends from work that he goes to play pool with. I ask him how his prostitute was. You create what you fear, so next he'll have a girlfriend instead.

    It's too hard to believe we might be liked just as we are, and without having to do something for it. If I iron his shirts, maybe he'll not go off with his office girlfriend. Your post echoes in my life. Weirdness.

    Are we all crazy? If you are, I am.

  14. Ok... I am spacey. I remember mention of the beeping, but WHAT the hell is/was it?

    The only mistress Mr. Moon has is a 12 point buck... or maybe a massive grouper!

    We sure had fun feeding chickens and hanging out. We ate most of the zuppa for lunch! We LOVE IT! It makes me feel so healthy when I eat your zuppa. I also had a fried green egg sandwich to go with it! Thank you! It was a scrupcious eggy!
    Luv luv luv pf Oh yea, and thanks for the mermaid loan.

  15. Been trying to find time to commment all day, but there just hasn't been a moment. The show is on, the Diva's in her realm, Rich, Kathleen and Herb are being terrific and I've just finished moping up the water outside the tailor shop after the a/c unit started leaking again. God, I love this place! Had to remind a crew member today that this may be Diva's show but it's not her theater. OK, I'm tired. But if you do think Mr. Moon every needs a girlfriend I'd be happy to volunteer (what a cutie!) except for the fact that I am rounder and shorter (go figure!). Love you guys! Jan

  16. Mwa- The places a mind unrestrained can go. Let us not do that. Our men love us. They worship us. ETC.

    Ms. Fleur- I had so much fun too. Harley is just a joy. I've said it so many times before but I will say it again- you are a wonderful mother.
    Thanks for the care package.

    Jan- Ooh. You know of whom I speak. Yeah- it ain't her Opera House. i have no idea how you manage to keep the hours you keep. Thank god you only live a block away.
    And as to rounder- I do not think so. You are a skinny thing these days- a reflection of the hours you keep, the duties you perform.
    You know I love you....M

  17. Mr. Moon loves you like CRAZY. Therefore, the girlfriend idea is bullshit. I always felt that way, too, when I was married. I always suspected. Then, at some point, I decided there are worse betrayals than sex with another person, so I just stopped entertaining the damn idea.

    Sometimes, I wish I could take a mental vacation, you know? I think too goddamn much. So do you (I think).



  18. SB- Yes, we do think too much. Mr. Moon says that to me frequently. But I don't really think he has another girlfriend, although if he found one that didn't think so much, it would be very restful for him.

  19. I love you so much! You always make me laugh. That was such a cute reply.

  20. Ms. Bastard- We were joking one day about the fact that he might have a girlfriend down in Orlando where he goes on business almost every week. "You mean my Orlando wife?" he asked.
    "You have another WIFE?" I asked him.
    He shook his had sadly. "No. That wouldn't be any fun."
    I'm still teasing him about that.

  21. We've got a broody hen and I don't know what to do with her! My neighbor has told me I need either a bucket or a trap to get the hen 'off the cluck'.

  22. Moon Over Martinborough- I would not know what to do either! None of my hens wants to spend that much time on the nest.

  23. Consider yourself lucky! I gave in and gave our hen some fertile eggs. Now we've got two very cute little chicks.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.