Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Public Service Announcement

You ever see one of these motherfuckers, DO NOT TOUCH IT!
I'm serious.


  1. What the hell is it? A bat? A plant? A Venus Fly Trap? An alien?

  2. Elizabeth- Click on the picture. It's a stinging caterpillar.

    Ms. Eden- That's what I asked when I was jolted with sudden pain.

  3. Did you take that picture? That's one amazing caterpillar. Wow.

  4. what kind of moth does it turn into?

    ouch, indeed!


  5. I eat those for breakfast, then wash it down with a cold beer. cue theme music

  6. Thanks for the extremely unnecessary advice! WHy the HELL would I want to touch that?!

  7. Good luck keeping Mr Farty from grabbing at something like THAT!!! I'm glad we don't have them around here!

  8. Nola- Yes. I took the picture. Did you click on it? It's a saddleback caterpillar. I looked it up.

    Bob- Good.

    Miss Alaineous- I cannot find out what sort of moth it turns into although I have been looking. An evil moth, I would say.

    Ginger- Yet another charming feature of life in North Florida.

    Magnum- Whoa now, big boy! No wonder you're always in the ER.

    Miss Ginger- The problem is, you can't see them too readily. They are nicely camouflaged, as you can see. Plus, they hang on the undersides of leaves.

    Rachel- He would cry his little eyes out.

  9. Wow Ms. Moon... you have some crazy wildlife down there in Lloyd!

  10. Michelle- Yes. Yes we do. And most of it stings. Or bites. Or bites and stings.

  11. i'm sorry you were bit, but it's impressive, isn't it?!

  12. woah, never heard of such a thing. really hoping we don't have those in Nebraska. Another reason to wear gardening gloves.

  13. Never touch a caterpillar that wears a jacket. Check.
    Oh Mama! Why did you touch it? Does it still hurt? Did it leave a horrible welt?

  14. Is this a sting-for-a-week or just a little while? Your nature

  15. I meant the nature of Florida, not the nature of Ms. Moon. Obviously.

  16. It looks like you put a little caterpillar coat in it!

  17. Adrienne- Not really bit. You just brush them and those little spikey things break and have toxin in them that gets on the skin. And yes, very interesting little critter. Which is why I took her picture.

    Cindy- Gloves wouldn't have helped. I brushed it with my elbow.

    May- I certainly did not mean to touch it. Just brushed it by accident. It left my elbow a bit swollen but it is fine today.

    Mwa- Just sting for an hour. I put baking soda paste on it. It was more shocking than horrible.

    Ms. Jo- I know!

  18. EEEEEEKKKK! I met several of those one day when I was working at the nursery. I went to pick off a dead leaf and brushed it. I screamed "OH FUCK" and ran for the bathroom to put cold water on my wrist. OMG it was soo painful , like an electric shock. I went back to the tree ( varigated dogwood) and found my co workers stopping on about a hundred of them...ewh! I have to say I had nerve damamge for about a month. I have sensitive skin and later that night when I looked it up on the net it still made me scream....

  19. Sally- What a nightmare! My sting didn't affect me so strongly but I did yell "What the Fuck!" It is like a jolt of electricity. And if I saw hundreds of those fuckers, I wouldn't be stomping them. I would get out a FLAME THROWER!

  20. ooh i looked it up..that's a saddleback caterpillar

  21. You should keep me around to stop you from touching strange beings with spikes on them. It would have saved you from that bout of syphilis in your early 20s.

  22. I have to say I would touch it too. Ouch!

  23. Ms. Eden- Yep. I looked it up too. Cool, huh? Except for the stinging thing.

    Angie- Stay out of my medical records!

    Ms. Jo- She is. Actually I've never had syphilis for some reason.

    DTG- Agreed.

    Marsha- I did not touch it on purpose, I assure you!


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.