Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Because He Said I Could

Two of my very most favorite boys in the world.
Hank and Billy. Friends forever.


  1. i told him i was gonna make the ringtone when he calls me "secret lovers"

  2. This picture just makes me smile; in a good way.

  3. Billy & Hank's comments crack me up. I love young men not being all homophobic and ridiculous.

  4. Daddy B and DTG- Y'all are so damn cute. As Billy would say, you kinda make me want to run over you with the car. You know?

    Kori- They were smiling.

    Nolo- No. Those boys are not homophobic. At all. Sometimes, though, they are ridiculous. All the more reason to love them.

  5. Who drank some PBR and took a photo? I don't think it was me... but now I want to, especially if I get that kind of love.
    You two are precious.

  6. HoneyLuna- Who wouldn't want to be all cuddly with one of those sleepy bears?

    Adrienne- It's pretty great, I got to tell you.

  7. Well, aren't they just the cutest things!

  8. I can't decide who I'm more jealous of. :)

  9. So sweet! There's not enough man love in this world.

  10. Hank is one of my fave's, too, but I don't know Billy, so I'll just have to take your word for it.

    Love you TONS,


  11. Amen to what Mwa said "There's NOT enough man love in this world."

    My father's dearest and best friend, a man he grew up with, sent my dear Dad cards and letters all through their lives - those cards are one of my fondest treasures and momentos of my Dad.

    Truly they loved one another as thoroughly and deeply and respectfully as any two humans I've ever witnessed.

    Bless your hearts this lovely late summer morning,

  12. Joy- Yes.

    Steph- Hard to say, right?

    Ms. Bastard- Take my word for this- you do love Billy. You just don't know it yet. But you do.

    Mwa- Amen.

    Mary- That is precious. And bless your heart too.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.