Friday, September 25, 2009


This is a slow, slow game for Ms. Lily but she's making some progress, all on her own. Right now she's taking a much deserved rest because she was awake all night with contractions and I'm at Jessie's house to try and get a little rest too because it's going to be a long night.
The hospital is being lovely, Dr. Brickler is so patient and non-aggressive. Jason is a champ, Lily is my hero and we're all just wishing there was something we could do to help her.
Owen remains stable and happy inside with no signs of distress.
So all is as it should be, albeit slow, and all is well and all is well.
I'll let you know when we have that baby.


  1. Thinking of you... love x

  2. I have been obsessively checking the blog all day for news; thank you so much for updating us, and send my own personal hugs to Ms. Lily. I am so glad she is where she is, too, where slowness does not immediately mean intervention.

  3. Nana used to say that babies are like peaches: when ripe, they fall.
    Owen is some peach:)I keep the candles going, and hope you too get some rest.

  4. In my heart and in my prayers. Love you all. Jan

  5. Go Lily! Go Owen! Go team Moon and Hartman!!

    Chicken's were scratched and graped. Harley had a blast. We got 4 beautiful eggs!! thank you. We made sure everyone had water and food, even the kitties... so no worries at Chez BSC. Everyone is fine.

    Something weird did occur... the dogs hardly barked.. and Zeke didn't even get out of bed! he just laid there in his doggie bed looking at us like..How dare you interrupt my nappy time! I wonder if they sense something's up??

    Anyway, we sure do love all ya'll.
    xoxo m m & h

  6. I'm so anticipatorally (not a word) happy for you!

  7. Man, I was hoping this visit to the blog would give me some news. I'm thinking about all of you and can't wait to hear! Hang in there!

  8. So hoping that you have that sweet little sugar lump by now!!!!!!!!!!! So excited for you!

  9. stalking your blog to find out news! Hope all is well.

    Casa BSC international

  10. You may find it hard to leave your grandbaby in the hands of others once you have met him. I remember standing in the a hall outside of the nursery hours after his birth and my husband said,"I don't want to leave him here, I don't trust these folks, he's ours".
    and when we left we found ourselves, rushing just a few hours. It's wonderful. Enjoy.

  11. I keep checking in too. Trying to avoid being like a kid on a roadtrip "are we there yet??"

  12. Fourth time today, even DH is beginning to wonder. He asked earlier "is Owen here yet?" and for a moment I thought he was talking about a friend of ours named Owen and when I realized he was asking about THE Owen I couldn't stop laughing.

    That baby will never know how many people were anxiously waiting for him. You must tell him. Here is hoping everything is better than fine.

  13. Perspective: I was three cm at about 10 pm. 7cm at about midnight.

    Then it all went away, andmy daughter wasn't born til 3.20pm the next day.

    I don't think they would have left me to get on with it if I'd been in hospital with high blood pressure, is the only thing.

    But hopefully Owen's just taken it slow and steady, and the family is too full of besotted delight to leave and sit at a computer!

    The waiting is hard though! Hard to banish fears and doubts.

  14. Perhaps one of Ms. Moon's other children can update us?
    I'll check in again later.

  15. Ceara and I have been checking in all day. And Farty is babbling his good wishes too!

  16. Baby Owen
    birthed and born
    Lilly voted
    bravest woman on planet

  17. So glad! On tenterhooks to hear final story, always afraid of what may have happened! Hoping for a happy story, love to Lily, and all.

    Thanks for the update!

  18. Oh, I'm so happy for you all. Can't wait for details!

  19. I wonder if you've gotten the most blog hits you've ever gotten today? I think we're all stalking for Owen news, and so glad to know he is here and healthy!

  20. Welcome to the world, sweet little sugar lump Owen!!! And way to go Lily, currently the most awesome woman on the planet, bringing new life into the world for so many people to love and adore, you have created a miracle....

  21. :))))))) !!!

    Sounds like one very loved child was born in Tally!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Blogger Allegra Smith said...

    Welcome Owen! you were the most awaited baby on this planet today.
    Congratulations to the entire family and now I need a drink!

    (Ms Moon, get some rest dear, and post a photo as soon as you can :)

    September 26, 2009 9:35 PM


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.