Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I Did It!

I went out at night by myself and I came back and in between the drive there in the dark night and the drive back in the even inkier darkness, I had a wonderful time. I met up with my friend Kati and we sat at the bar (all the tables were filled- on a Tuesday night!) and we ate delicious salads and listened to the music and it was wonderful.
It occurs to me that every picture I post of Lis and Lon playing at the Mockingbird looks the same but here you go anyway.

It's a terrible picture and I apologize but it is the best I could do and I took it as proof that I was there. Jason Thomas, Lis Williamson, Lon Williamson, and Gabe Valla. The one true Gatorbone Band.

The picture may be terrible, but the music was sweet and easy and pure and good. From my seat I could see Gabe's fingers flying and dancing on the fretboard and I have been watching him play for so many years and I think he was as good tonight or better than I have ever seen him. My favorite songs they do are always Lis's songs. The ones she wrote herself. They grab your spine and shiver you to your toes. One of my favorites of all my favorites is one she wrote about the many incarnations of her and Lon's lives and love together and it is absolutely unbelievably haunting and when she and Lon harmonize and close their eyes to sing together and their voices intertwine and grab and soar and become one thing, you believe. She is wordsmith as well as singer and guitar player. It absolutely amazes me that one day she just woke up and started writing songs and they came forth fully formed and they flow in every way, musically and lyrically. I was talking to Kati about this. She went to high school with Lis and says, "She's always been that way. Always." I am not surprised. Not one iota.

Well. It is late. Mr. Moon is coming in tomorrow morning to close a car deal. I do not think he shot a deer. Gibson is running the fever this evening and so the virus travels through the family and at least it does not seem to be the worst virus in the world and for that I am most grateful. I am sorry though that our little merry man has been laid low. He had such a good time today with his mama and me and we had such a good time with him.

The wind is blowing tonight and it is cool and supposed to get cooler. It is still 11/12/13 and Lis promised from the stage tonight that next year they will play on 12/13/14. Last year they played at the Mockingbird on 12/12/12.

There is magic in numbers. There was magic tonight on that stage. I went out and I came back and I am so glad I did. I got to be with ladies I love. I got good hugs and got to kiss beautiful women on their soft lips. I wore my hair down. I felt like Mary and at least every now and then, that is a fine thing to feel like.
Tonight was one of them.

Sleep well.


  1. Old, grandmotherly, my ass - you are friggin' gorgeous. Your cover is blown to smithereens. I am thrilled you had a good time but I won't believe another thing you say about how you "used" to be beautiful. Disbelieving Jo

  2. That sounds like a great night out! And you look great, by the way. I love your silver bracelets.

  3. The beauty of it all reflected in your face. Or maybe the other way around.

  4. You are beautiful. A real knock-out. And youthful. I am now disbelieving too.


  5. you're purty, anyone ever tell you that?

  6. I am so proud of you woman! As one who often confronts the same obstacles leaving the house as you seem to, this is huge and wonderful that you went and heard your friends perform and fed your soul. And honey, you are a beauty. I don't think you know it.

  7. Yay! and I concur, you look beautiful. Love all that hair! Did you wear your red boots? I covet those.

  8. Sweet Jo- Good lighting. Mostly I look nothing like that. At all.

    Elizabeth- So are you.

    Steve Reed- My bracelets are my power.
    Like Wonder Woman's.

    Ms. Vesuvius- Not usually. But thank you.

    Denise- Music is magical. I swear.

    Invisigal- Everyone has their moments.

    Sarah- They used to.

    Angella- I was rather shocked at how easy it really turned out to be. I should try it more often. I swear.

    Ms. Yo- I did not wear my red boots. EVERYONE WAS WEARING BOOTS BUT ME! Mine need some work in that rodents have chewed the leather on the toes. No. I am not kidding you.

  9. I'm so happy you went out and heard our beloved musicians. You look ravishing!!!

    It is so hard to choose a favorite song that Lis has written...like trying to pick a favorite Beatles tune. I think I can choose three, though, and Enchanted is one of them for sure. There's also Deep and the one I think should be our world anthem, Time.

    The Gatorbone Band is most definitely food for the heart and soul!

  10. You look great! So glad you went and had fun. I'm going out with a friend tonight - wish we had live music to see, let alone fabulously talented musician friends. Lis's voice pops up on my playlist randomly and I'm still always surprised how sweet her voice is and how lovey her songs. Time makes me cry every time.

  11. I am so glad you went out as that can take a lot of courage not to mention driving in the dark. By the way, you look great and I am not going to believe it when you write about aging.

    Georgie J.

  12. You were so beautiful and the night was so wonderful, with the music and the love and all the hugs and kisses. I am so happy I was one of the ladies you kissed and I hope we do this again very, very soon! You are my angel, Mary Moon!

  13. lulumarie- I cannot disagree with a word you said. And it was a very special night for me, sitting so close, just drinking it all in. It was so lovely.

    Mel- You have no idea how much I love it that you know Lis's voice, even the names of her songs. I hope you had a good time going out too.

    Georgie J- I am night blind and shouldn't even be allowed to drive at night so yes, it is a big deal. I was very careful though. And all went well.

    Kati- YOU are an angel. I was so happy to sit beside you, holding your hand. Thank you.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.