Friday, August 2, 2013

Packed Up

May and I have been up since dawn, washing sheets and towels, packing up, getting ready to leave. It's been such a good week here in Asheville with my girls and sweet son-in-law. The more I know Vergil, the more I like that man. 
Which is very good thing. 

Anyway, bye-bye deluxe condo. 

Time to hit the road. I'll be reporting back from Lloyd which, as I recall, is in a completely different galaxy than Asheville. 

Happy Friday, y'all. 
Love...Ms. Moon 


  1. I've enjoyed your posts - made me homesick. I wish I could have remembered which pub my cousin works in - I could have had you go spy to see how she's doing :)

    Have a safe trip back!

  2. I think Lloyd is plenty cool too - it just hasn't been discovered yet!

    Glad you had a great time.

  3. It is always nice to go away but back at home the chickens, cat and (damn) dogs will be waiting. Best of all, grandchildren!

  4. Bon voyage! what a great little holiday you've had. It's been lovely enjoying it along with you especially since my own little holiday was delayed.
    Safe travels.

  5. Have a safe trip back home.

  6. I am so glad it was a good week with your baby chicks. but how could it not be? xo


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