Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Do you remember that guy? I found him last August. The Hickory Horned Devil Caterpillar.

Well yesterday when I was trimming the wisteria I found this:

He's all grown up and has become a Royal Walnut Moth.

I was amazed.

Good morning from Lloyd where Owen and I are about to feed the chickens.


  1. I like his colors. I think I need some Owen pictures, please.

  2. WOW. If Jim Henson made moths...

  3. ah..somehow..that is so beautioful that ..gah..i actually like moth more then so pretty

  4. In some countries that would be a meal.

  5. Have your chickens ever eaten worms? (just thought I'd ask since you say you are off to feed the chickens....) : )

  6. some days are just like this.
    i fall fall fall from the weight of it all and only see my horns from serious dark eyes.

    today you will find me in the garden fanning my wings...

    for the very wonder of it all!!!

  7. I could sit and stare at a non-moving caterpillar for hours, as well as moths and butterflies. I might have to steal your caterpillar pic for my screen saver. Love it.

  8. Thanks for wowing me today!!!!!!

  9. The moth is a big improvement...hope your chickens don't have a hankerin' for moth...

  10. If I was a chicken I would totally want to eat him. Does that make me sick?

  11. DTG- They will no doubt be coming soon. He walked to his grandmother! Without prompting!

    Jo- Exactly! The stripes are amazing.

    Danielle- I had never seen one in real life before. It is gorgeous.

    Stephanie- No kidding.

    Michele R- I think they do like worms. But not giant caterpillars.

    rebecca- Is there any more beautiful metaphor than caterpillar to magical winged creature?

    Lois- I was struck dumb.

    Nicol- Steal away

    Bethany- You are welcome!

    Rachel- I think he is too big for my chicken's tastes.

    Kori- No. But if you were a chicken, you might be scared.

  12. do i just think that or are parts of his wings see.through/ transparent?

  13. I just love how you see the beauty in the details. I think I liked him better before than after.

  14. Isabella would go nuts if she could catch a beauty like that!

  15. Citheronia regalis is the scientific name. I can remember studying these when I was a kid. Very nice. Moths are spectacular.

  16. Ms. Moon,

    I've been away for a week in the Carolina mountains and I took too many photos of moths and butterflies. I was getting ready to post pics and saw yours on my dashboad, they made me smile. It's nice to know I'm in good company. Your royal walnut moth is magnificent. I think the caterpillars taste icky to birds, but I know the moth bodies are yummy to them. I have some somer moth photos to share when I get my post made. So much to do to unwind, unpack and catch up, but so worth the scenery and nature diversion. Glad you're well and not melted yet.

  17. truly fascinating,

    and exotic really , I'm sure we don't have those here.

  18. What an incredible sight! They don't grow that big in the north country.

  19. I'm afraid I just can't cope with caterpillars. Must be some kind of bad childhood experience. Okay, I KNOW I had a bad childhood experience. I'm afraid I put them in the same category (I'm sure there's a joke there - I just can't find it) as snakes and rats.

    Moths, however, are a very different kettle of fish.

  20. Oh Mrs. M, what amazing pictures! Thank you for this. I didn't know you last August and missed your fierce and fine caterpillar. What a splendid flyer he became.

  21. Ms. Bastard-Beloved- You should have seen it in real life...

    Danielle- Just a trick of the light and color. They are not translucent. But wouldn't that be something?

    Nancy- You know, I sort of agree with you.

    Rebecca- Oh, I would never catch it, except with the camera.

    Syd- You scientist, you!

    Ellen- Hell yes!

    Mel- Welcome home and I loved your post. Isn't it odd how it's cooler here than "up north"?

    deb- I didn't know WE had them!

    Mel's way- Not just Texas where things are bigger!

    Nigel- Funny how childhood experiences can shape us forever. Logic has so little to do with human behavior.

    Kathleen Scott- We do share sensibilities, don't we? I'm so glad we've met.

  22. That is a huge moth! Beautiful colors, though.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.