Friday, July 16, 2010

Ah Lah

Yeah well. See what happens when I don't go to town? Kathleen went to the doctor today because she was in so much pain she just had to. All by herself. Drove herself there and went in and apologized like crazy because she didn't call first. There's a big sign in the waiting room that says, "We do not accept walk-ins." I can't help but wonder about this. Do people walk into an oncology practice and say, "Hey! I think I might have cancer. Can I see a doctor?" I guess they do.
But they were very nice to her at the doctor's. They told her she is NOT a walk-in. She's a patient. And they saw her.

She stopped by on her way home for a quick hug and visit. She told me she feels like our friend Rich with his old Mercedes. Every time he takes it to the shop they find more stuff wrong with it.
Yeah. The found more stuff.
I'll let her tell you about it. I think she will.
But hell, it's not good stuff.
The lovely thing is, though, is that she can still crack jokes. She can still bemoan the fact that she has to take steroids. "Will I blow up and my hair turn black?"
"I have no idea," I said.
And I don't.
Must I say it again? Oh what the fuck? I might as well.

I don't know shit.

I know that this is going to be a long process, though. One we've probably just begun. She said that next they'll be finding cancer in her toenails. I said that she's probably right and she should just go ahead and get them removed now.
See? Jokes.
The best one was about the PET scan which people keep telling her she should have. She's wondering which of her pets she should bring in, and we very seriously discussed the pros and cons of each dog or cat or bunny to accompany her for a PET scan.

We talked and laughed for awhile and then she left, patting my cat Luna on her way out. She's gone home to be with her kids and eat pizza on a Friday night. If she eats. She's having to force herself to do eat. Maybe the steroids will help with that.

And now Mr. Moon is home and we're going to have a Friday night martini, walk around the yard. He's excited because he's going to Georgia tomorrow to check out a place to hunt for the fall. And his sister is coming tomorrow to pick up a car he got for her. I'm glad. I like his sister a lot. She's never met Owen before and it'll be a grand meeting.

And that's the Friday evening update. As if you needed one. You don't. But I needed to write one.

I needed to remind myself that life just keeps going on and we just need to pace ourselves for this adventure.

We surely do and we're going to get this show on the road as soon as possible and I'm cooking chicken for dinner.

How about you?


  1. I needed a Friday evening update from you, as I just spend some time reading your OTHER posts that I somehow can't get to in a day now. Not just yours, but everyone's. I send hugs to Lloyd tonight, Ms.Moon whom I adore.

  2. Nothing much... Have been playing Fate, a silly role game and gathered 300.000.000 franks (dollars, gold, whatever you want to call it). I know it, when I play Fate it's pure escapsime...
    I totally understand how Kathleen feels when they keep finding things. It's odd, you are fine one day, the next day you wake up in another country, with strange people in control over one's body. Very very disturbing...
    And I miss my granddaughter whom I have not seen in real life since March... My son still being a real class act jerk who won't send pics and won't skype...
    I wished I could give my dil a serious kick in the ass... I don't know shit either! Some days, one just has to go to bed and let it all go...

  3. Kathleen is brave. I am sorry about the pain. But glad you have each other to laugh, love, and treasure each other.

  4. I'm glad for the update. I hate for Kathleen to be in pain, but I am happy she can laugh and joke.

  5. You and Kathleen are lucky to have each other!
    And thank you for the Friday night update. I love coming onto the computer to find you in my reader, even if I don't comment all the time :)

  6. I am not doing too good tonight.

    But, tomorrow may be better. Maybe it won't. I don't know shit either.

    Your friend Kathleen deserves a damn medal. I hate that this is happening to her. I am very, very glad she has you.

  7. I went and made myself acquainted with your kind friend Kathleen. I'm sorry your friend is getting more bad news, and so glad she has you.


  8. Pace yourself. Perfect advice for almost everything. Truly. Spread out the worry and the big picture, and just pace yourself.

    Sending much love.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear this news about Kathleen. I am glad that she shares your black sense of humor -- I find that sustaining. But, still.

    I continue to send healing thoughts and strength and courage to her and to you as her friend.

  10. Kori- It's so nice to see your name. It's so nice to hear your words. Thank-you, honey.

    Photocat- And that is the blessing of sleep.

    Syd- Me too. Oh. Me too.

    Steph- She is something, that girl.

    SJ- Life gets so hard, doesn't it? I hope tomorrow IS better for you.

    Maggie May- She would love you. You would love her. She is a wisewoman.
    As are you.

    Nancy C- It's not to the swift goes the race always.

    Elizabeth- Yes. Thank-you. Bless you, darling.

  11. I'll shoot you an email tomorrow.

  12. I'm suspecting your friend Kathleen is one tough cookie.

    Breathe in breathe out. Feed some chickens, eat some chicken.


  13. SJ- I'm here.

    Michelle- Phew. I am. And yes, Kathleen is tougher than a box of nails and sweeter than a vase of roses and meaner than Mean Aunt Jessie.

  14. Kathleen has the most wonderful sense of humor. I am thinking of her. And of you. I am sure it isn't easy to see such a dear friend suffer. I will go and say hello, and give her my best.


Tell me, sweeties. Tell me what you think.